Bentley Jones So Much More Video Competition Winners!

Bentley Jones So Much More Video Competition Winners!


Bentley Jones has finally announced the winners of the So Much More Video Competition set a few months back for some snazzy bits of merch including a Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing Art book! The winners are as follows (click on names to see the entries, or wait for the chance on the embedded links in the video!):

Daniele Narducci
ASSC Studios
The Doodlibop

Darkspeeds (Surprise surprise!)
Matthew Pieper
Klayton Schaufler

Awesome job guys! I’m also laughing my arse off as Sonic Yoda has also managed to obtain an honourable mention…perhaps for not being afraid to show his love for Lee (uber fandom apparently)? Comisserations to all those who didn’t win, but take pride in your efforts!

On another note you will also remember I put my merch where my mouth was a few weeks back, and indeed I both predicted Matt Pieper and Klayton Schafler‘s wins (although I don’t think it took a genius to figure out how great they were). I also thought Freen in Green‘s entry might place, and as they didn’t (and as promised) I will send you peeps a goody bag – please let me know your address by emailing me at tbird [at] Oh, and I think I owe Stasis a few bits and pieces too!

If you fancy snagging yourself some merchandise keep your eyes peeled right here on TSS for MORE COMPETITIONS!…and also keep your ears open for more exciting news from the world of Bentley Jones on the Official Bentley Jones Website.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Alright! I got second place!!! But hey, T-bird, can you please write my name on this site correctly? Bentley Jones messed it up. It’s SupeSonic, not SuperSonic. Yeah, thanks! [Done and done – T]

  2. No problem SupeSonic – and a very well done for winning! Enjoy the spoils of your hard work!

  3. Oh well, I made an effort and I had fun making it. I look forward to my few goodies, T 🙂

  4. I’ve posted my comments on Youtube and I just gotta say…

    YES!!! LEWIS WON TOO!!! *high fives to T* We knew Lewis would get some lovin’… XXD

    Thanks T’ once again for taking a proactive approach promoting BJ’s contest – i.e. posting news of entries, encouraging people to get involved and also for donating prizes to the ones who you felt should win. Like I said you’re a top bloke mate. *thumbs up*

    Now to celebrate since I got two days off starting from tonight! *pops open champagne… *SHOT** 😀

  5. Isn’t that a big surprise, Darkspeeds wins….

    I’m friends with SegaMew so I’m happy she won ^^ Its too bad mine didn’t get in XD maybe he’s not so big on fursuits……XD;

  6. @ Sonictoast

    Oh! Well, congrats! You deserve to win, that was awesome! if I had even entered, I might have had a fighting chance, I was going to do a colaboration of Sonic game clips.

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