Want the Real Needlemouse Info?  RubyEclipse Says Thursday

Want the Real Needlemouse Info? RubyEclipse Says Thursday

Were you upset today at the incredibly lame Needlemouse reveal that featured drawings of stuff that we saw last decade and a song that was composed in FL Studio?  Well, get used to seeing more of that until Thursday.

The man responsible for posting all of these Needlemouse challenges and general nonsense, RubyEclipse, on the SEGA America blogs went over to NeoGAF today and made a comment about when actual information about Needlemouse would be coming out.

Nope, this Thursday all the big stuff is out of the bag. The second Needlemouse Challenge was also the last, as mentioned when the blog went up.

I know some people would have liked more than just a couple pieces of concept art – and I can understand that sentiment, knowing how excited and hopeful people are about the game. As huge as the hype may be, I personally think the wait to Thursday is well worth it – so, when that day comes, we’ll see if people agree.

So, there you have it.  Wait until Thursday.  Until then, enjoy the feeling and spirit of classic Sonic taking you over.

It is good to read some comments about you guys enjoying the music though – and that’s really just a small sample, as the best tracks are yet to come.

There better be better tracks.  Damn, that little ditty on the SEGA homepage was really bad.

[Via NeoGAF forums]

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. That music was very reminiscent of classic Sonic music…..but I didn’t start paying attention to the music until the Adventure era anyway.

  2. I guess people weren’t whinging enough elsewhere.. lets devote a thread to it.

    .. Except I don’t have anything to whinge about! Loved the art and the retro sounding music (remember it was a long time ago)
    Just remember, they didn’t have to give us anything 🙂

  3. You have to remember that their original reveal was today, but they silently changed it to “next week” on the blog. Nobody really noticed and a lot of people expected everything to happen today.

    I’m all for the classic Sonic vibe (which I’m definitely feeling), but drawings of stuff that I saw when I was 7 years old isn’t anything to get me hyped for anything.

  4. Instead of heading to “Phase 3/5 – Doubt” I need everyone here to type this :

    I believe.

  5. I actually liked the Music. The tree and Flower, not so much… Im hoping that they get their influences from more than just Sonic 1…

  6. First sega made us hate 3D (most of us..I love sonic unleashed) hopefully they won’t go overboard with retro and make us hate 2D! If sega manages to mess this game up then at least I will still have sonic unleashed to play. I really enjoy the cutscenes, music, scenery, night stages, and well, everything!

  7. Anyone else notice how much they’ve been showing off Sonic3 in the build up to this? Such as the signed copy?? I’m just thinking that maybe those rumors of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 weren’t such a big thing. Considering how Sonic & Knuckles was considered a part of Sonic 3 they could easily have the new game as a continuation, and the art suggests going back over the zones we all know and love, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a return to Angel Island happens in this…

  8. I fail to see how the music was horrible. In fact, it was too short to make a real judgement on it.

    That said, I wonder who the composer is?

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