Two Pieces Of Sonic R Music In ASR

Two Pieces Of Sonic R Music In ASR

Do you like fan service? Do you like the music in the SEGA Saturn and PC game Sonic R? Planning on picking up Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing? Well you’ll be glad to hear that two songs from Sonic R are in your new racing game. Composed by TJ Davis(the singer) and Richard Jacques(the music) the songs that will feature are Super Sonic Racing and Can You Feel The Sunshine, two songs that are still loved by the Sonic fan base to this very day.

What do you guys think about this new development? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Sonic Wrecks

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  1. What’s up with the whole “use only songs from the first and last level” mentality Sega has regarding Sonic? They did that same thing in Brawl too.

    I like Super Sonic Racing, but “Living in the City” would have been a good addition too. It’s cool that theyre even using music from the game though.

  2. cool, have we any other music from sonic games except sonic heroes?
    racing with SA themes would be pretty cool.

  3. Just another reason among many to buy this game. Sonic R has a great soundtrack, no matter what anyone might think. I would have like Living in the City as well, but these two tracks are just fine.

  4. Anyone else notice that all the Sonic stages ALL look like something from heroes….AND it’s just the water related stages, fortress related, and casino ones…I really don’t like that….

  5. Super Sonic Racing ftw, but… Can You Feel the Sunshine? NOOOO!!! O.o Even if I never had heard about that Tails Doll curse, the song is still freaky to me. “Two songs that are still loved by the Sonic fan base to this very day.” Loved, he says. Super Sonic Racing is good, but not CYFTS…..

    One thing I don’t get. I bought Sonic Gems for G-Cube, Played Sonic R, and listened to the music.
    The person who sings the songs is a GUY?! WTFH People?!

  6. @ Inferno the Fox
    I didnt say everyone in the fan base loves them and no the singer is not a guy lol! TJ Davis is a woman XD I’ve edited the post to be more clear.

  7. It’d be even better if they did the acid remix of Can you feel the Sunshine, been playing it on Gems collection today funnily enough.

  8. Great! Now I can play ASR while being reminded that there are FAR better racing games involving Sonic out there!

  9. I think it would of been better if, like Burnout 3 onwards we could also us music on our consoles hardrive. Being able to listen to some Sonic Adventure classics would of been great.

  10. @ ProjectZuel
    You can do that with the Xbox 360 version, the other versions dont have that feature though

  11. No offence, but we’ve heard those two songs appear in every possible place. Why can’t they use any of the other Sonic R songs, like (two of my personal favs) “Diamond in the sky”, and “Work it out”?

  12. You know…I don’t really like Sonic R, nor do I like the songs from it. They’re not very good, and they’re not bad enough to loop back around to hilarious like, say, the DK Rap.

    Also, now I’m going to have nightmares of the Tails Doll, THANKS A LOT SONIC AND SEGA ALL-STARS RACING.

  13. ….. oh god…. can we have ONE Racing game that isn’t cursed!? >.<

    I wanna write a fanfiction now… *runs off in a random direction*

  14. Wait so where will this music BE in the game? Is there a feature to play different songs rather than the one the default level music?

  15. You’d think they’d use music from the two Sonic Drift games instead…after all, Sonic’s driving in those game whereas in Sonic R, he’s on foot.

  16. Great news! I love the soundtrack of Sonic R. It’s really amazing. Thank you soooooo much Richard, T.J. Davis and Sega!

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