Sunday Poll: That One Racing Game With SEGA Characters Edition

Sunday Poll: That One Racing Game With SEGA Characters Edition

With the “Sonic 4” announcement sending people into hype-induced comas or making “modern vs. classic Sonic” the next “Drummond vs. Griffith” (whoops), I’ve forgotten that there’s a racing game coming out with people from SEGA games.  Initial reviews have been positive and media has been coming out more and more now that we are in the month of its release.

That being said, what do you think about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing?

  1. It’s going to be bomb-dot-com.  Mario Kart killer!
  2. It’ll be good, but not up to Mario Kart standards.
  3. It’ll be good in its own right.  Nothing spectacular, but it’ll have a certain appeal.
  4. Shit sucks.  More “Sonic 4,” please.
  5. What’s an “All-Stars racing?”

I’m hovering between 1 and 3, personally.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. I could see myself liking it more than Mario Kart due to the fact that I like the SEGA characters better and what I’ve seen from videos seems to be solid enough.

  2. I think I vote 2.
    The game looks good, and pretty polished.
    I think of it as comparing Crash Team Racing or Diddy Kong Racing to our Mario Kart.
    I’m not going to lie, though… CTR and DKR were both better than Mario Kart 64. But when comparing this with Mario Kart Wii, this is not on such a grand scale.

  3. For me. It’s definately a 1. Put plainly, I have a 360, no Wii. I’ve wanted a good party game for a while now andthis looks like it. Heck, one of roommates is more excited for a 360 kart racer than I am.

    That one point alone makes it better than MK.

  4. I say 1, since Mario Kart’s been doing mostly the same thing since the beginning (of which the first was the best, no doubt), and while ASR is also gonna be in the same vain, it has Sonic in it… And Shadow THERE I SAID IT YOU HAPPY NOW!?!?

    Also might have DLC if it sells well, which is something Mario Kart has never had, so EVERYONE HAD BETTER LIKE IT!!

  5. im saying 1
    once i get the game, im gonna mostly compare it to crash team racing, i never cared about mario kart really.. but yeah, crash team racing is my most fav kart racing game so far

  6. it seems to be between 1 and 2

    1 because it seems to be the same as Mario Kart (never played) but with more ways to get it (YAY FOR EFFIN’ PC VERSION), also, DLC. (not to mention awesome SEGA characters instead of baby Mario >_>)

    2 because it seems to lack some customisation options (I heard you can change vehicles in Mario Kart).

  7. After playing it at Summer of Sonic last year (even though it was on the PS3 ¬_¬), I can already say it’ll be number 1 for me.

    This game just has so much more personality than MK, with the tracks, weapons and character selection being so much more varied. Oh, and it’s actually FAST. 😀

  8. I can’t judge any other MK game since I’ve never played them, but Mario Kart DS is actually one of my least favorite racing games of all time. Even if the drift system didn’t make my left hand cramp (which it does, by the way), it’s still ridiculously annoying. 🙁 What’s worse, the game just doesn’t feel very fast. When I play a racing game, I want to feel like I’m whooshing past stuff at 80+ MPH, not chugging along at 1/3 of that speed in a little go-kart. ASR looks like it blows MK out of the water in the speed department, so I can only hope its drift system is also superior to that of MKDS. So yeah, I’m going with #1.

  9. 2. Mario Kart is a masterpiece, I can keep playing it with my friends for hours nonstop (always using Koopa Troopa and the Magikruiser :] ). ASR has the “Sonic” appeal, but I don’t feel the same way towards the other SEGA characters as I do with the ones from the Mario universe.

    ASR looks pretty polished and solid, which Mario Kart also is. Both games must be pretty good, in the end.

  10. 1,2, or 3. Looks good, but I haven’t played any recent ‘Mario Kart’ games in a while, so I wouldn’t know if ASR would be better.

  11. I’d say I’m between 3 and 4. I’ll probably pick it up eventually when it’s about 10 or 15 quid, largely for collection purposes, but I won’t be rushing out for it on release day – it doesn’t particularly do anything for me, just seems to be a run of the mill cartoon racer, like every other mascot has somewhere in their repertoire. All well and good in its own right, and its existence doesn’t offend me, but it pales in comparison to the significance of a Sonic platformer, let alone Sonic 4. Don’t really see what all the fuss is about to be honest.

  12. I don’t know yet how it will compare to Mario Kart, but I’m sure it will be awesome. So, 1, 2 or 3.

  13. 2 for me. I don’t think it’s gonna be the BEST racing game ever, but I’ll definitely be playing it for a while.

  14. DS version probably doesn’t compare to Mario Kart DS. However, PS3/PC/Xbox 360 will be infintely superior to MKWii. Most Kart games are.

  15. I’d have to be with either 1 or 3. Probably more 3. I’m sure it is going to be awesome and whatnot, but I don’t really like to compare it to Mario Kart because the game styles are different. I mean, they are both character based racing games, but evidently not many of said characters are in karts in this game. So it’s more of a mix between Kart style and a realistic racing game.

  16. #1 all the way. This game will kick so much ass, I’m going to start playing it and never stop. It’ll seriously dominate my life.

  17. @ RabidHedgie

    Crash Team Racing was no way near as good as Mario Kart. Never has and never will. Though Mario Kart series has got worse over the years the CTR series has gotten far worse in comparison.

    On ASR I’m sure it will be an enjoyable racer but I’m not sure if it will have enough substance past the novelty of playing as everyones fav Sega characters.

  18. 1.

    Mario Kart Wii is okay, but I got bored with it after a while cause it’s too slow and Nintendo’s characters just don’t appeal to me like Sonic and Sega’s characters. The irritating rubber banding AI doesn’t help either.
    Hopefully this will be the better racer in the end to show those ‘MarioKart clone!’ idiots up.

  19. Definitely 2. It looks pretty sweet, but there is NO WAY it’ll be a “Mario Kart killer”. XD The very notion strikes me as incredibly ridiculous, especially when you consider Mario Kart has had six games (excluding arcades) to refine the formula…

  20. Is there an option 0 saying this game is just the sh!t >.>

    NAH Seriouly I pick
    1 bc IT OWNS >L

  21. For me, it’ll be #1 because it’s Sonic! Mario Kart IS fun, I won’t deny it, but Sonic’s just a cooler character.

  22. 1,3, and a part of me says 4. The a completely different part points out that Bioshock 2 comes out tomorrow, and Alien vs Predetor next week, and this game the week after…. I’ll have no time!! (nor money.) I’ll have to find a deal. I personally didn’t like Mario Kart Wii, so I hope the Wii version of this will turn out to be good… 24 tracks, all new tracks mind you, sounds very appealing to me. Oh and the challenges. Last but not least, the characters… Sonic holds a very special part of my heart.

  23. If everyone got they wishes in Sonic and Sega All-stars Racing and everything goes smoothly including have Sonic R songs in it then it will be better than Mario Kart.

  24. number 1 i really want to get this game Mario kart gets boring and has no replay value belive me ive completed it 5 times the all star moves are something that mario kart does not have as well as more charcters more consoles and way better level design and that is why il love sonic and sega stars racing p.s im doing my links page

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