SEGA blogs take the strain of heavy traffic on Hedgehog Day

SEGA blogs take the strain of heavy traffic on Hedgehog Day

The fans have flocked in their hundreds to the SEGA blog giveaway, with the lucky 333rd comment winning themselves a snazzy signed copy of Sonic 3. In fact they were so impressed with the traffic, that the competition was up’ed from every 50th entry winning a prize up to the 500th post to the 2500th!!!  RubyEclipse was impressed; “You guys literally broke our blogs for a few minutes from sheer traffic!”

The entries still need to be straightened out, with any spam posts getting deleted, so on Thursday the finalised list of winners will be announced – so if you’ve got a comment close to those limits, you will have to hold your breath until tomorrow to find out if you have nabbed some goodies!

I wonder though…with all this hype about this game possibly being titled Sonic 4…is it a coincidence they’re giving away copies of 3?

Stay tuned tomorrow for what will hopefully be a massive day of info on Needlemaus!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Like Needle-vermin without the ability of good spelling and a wet patch in the pants for Shadow the Hedgehog.

  2. “I wonder though…with all this hype about this game possibly being titled Sonic 4…is it a coincidence they’re giving away copies of 3?”

    Another coincidence, did you notice the big name revelation is going to be in February 4th?

  3. I’m a horrible person for saying this but I couldn’t help but laugh when reading the article title and seeing the picture.

  4. ohay feb 4th sonic 4 hurrr derp de durrr doesn’t take a genius to realize they’re calling it Hideo Kojima presents Sonic Ultimatum: Legend of the Silver Spoon at the Olympic Games with Banjo-Kazooie

  5. I’m currently at 333, but I’m really not expecting to keep it as there’s more shuffling to be done…:(

  6. Maybe they will be giving away the sequel to Sonic 3…”Part 2″ of Sonic 3. Sonic and Knuckles. THEN they shall release the name…Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

  7. want Sonic 3 released in Europe and USA on the 2nd and 3rd og FEB 94 respectfully?
    Sonic4sday anyone?

  8. this happens if you announce a classic sonic game.
    Project Needlemouse will have MILLLIONS of sales at the launch.

  9. It is also a coincidence that Sonic 3 was released 16 years ago on groundhog day. This Tuesday… Well played sega.

  10. The title of the new game will be Sonic the Hedgehog in Burnout Paradise according to the pic =)

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