GamePro Germany reviews SEGA Allstars Racing

GamePro Germany reviews SEGA Allstars Racing

Another review is in, and this ones from Germany. Here’s the translated summary:

+very simple, buttons for gas, brake, drifts and weapons.
+Drifting is essential for survival in this game, but lots of fun and works great.

graphics & sound:
+ great range of vision
+ lots of detail
+ charming SEGA flair
+ great effects (when using weapons or drifting)
+ framerate doesn’t hurt & much better than in preview versions…
– … but not totally perfect (e.g. camera panning)
+ soundtrack and sound effects are awesome…
– …commentator is not (but can be turned off)

+ 24 tracks
+ unlock characters
+ great multiplayer
+ mission mode

version check:
+ Wii version not quite that beautiful as XBox and PS3 versions…
+ … but differences are minimal
+ PS3 version looks best, but framerate is better on XBox
+ Wii: Miis and XBox: Avatars + Banjo & Kazooie

Lead tester:
“I liked Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing immediately. Gameplay is mostly smooth, characters are great and tracks bring back lots of good old memories. And playing as Ryo Hazuki is a good thing, as there’s still no sign of a new Shenmue game. Would have been great if there were more tracks from other IPs. To put it in a nutshell: even if there’s nothing really new to this game, it’s really a great funracer.” 9/10

You can find the complete review here and the video review here 

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. “Wii version not quite that beautiful as XBox and PS3 versions…”

    Yeah that tends to happen when you’re running 480p against 1080p. Go figure.

  2. But its still a valid point because the Wii, PS3, and 360 are all competing in this generations market and for the same game across different versions you are going to end up with that comparison since they are all competetitors pretty much.

  3. If this game sells well I’d love to see t hem make a sequal to this. A fighting game would be cool too 😉

  4. 9/10! That is so exciting! I hope ign will give it a good score for the wii version. I guess a 6.5. They hate sonic and you can’t spell ignorant without IGN!

  5. @Blahblahblah3210:

    Not just resolution. The 360 and PS3 have waaaaaay better graphics cards and tonnes more RAM. It’s not just because they’re HD. GOSH!

  6. This is a real review. Not like most others I’ve seen where it’s “Mario Kart this, Mario Kart that”.

    A good thing is though…at least the game will get cheap VERY quickly. 😉

  7. Awesome review, I think this is going to be a huge seller, well, with preorder sell outs already thats pretty much in the bag. I’ve played the demo, but I just can’t wait to get my hands on it this week, and hoping i’ll get it a day early as I ordered it online ^^ I usually do.

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