Exclusive: Ryo’s Forklift DLC Revealed For ASR

Exclusive: Ryo’s Forklift DLC Revealed For ASR

UPDATE 2: ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik has revealed what Ryo Forklift’s All Star Move will be, how it works and confirms he doesn’t replace normal Ryo.

Ryo gains his ASM, he does not summon another vehicle – you have a different animation for this sequence. He clenches his fist and with his right foot FLOORS it. Yes Ryo litterally puts the pedal to the metal* and the whole forklift rears up and you charge forward with the same power as normal Ryo’s ASM.

So Ryo-F is different, in a sense. I’ll confirm he doesn’t replace normal Ryo either as a few of you were worried about that. I’ve just spoken to one of the senior SOE staff working on the game and hopefully we might see some footage down the line. We’ll have to wait and see.


UPDATE: ArchangelUK has now made this DLC official at the Sonic City Blognik, this will be a pre-order bonus code for people who pre-order the Xbox 360/PS3 version and will be exclusive to Europe and Australia. Info regarding this form of Ryo’s All Star Move will hopefully be available tomorrow along with images of the France exclusive double ASR Wii Wheel bundle. Info on which store chains in which territories this pre-order gift will be obtainable from will be available soon. /UPDATE END

Original story below:

You may remember a banner ad at retailer GAME’s Spanish website that we reported on which revealed a Ryo character as a piece of downloadable content you can receive when you pre-order the game for Xbox 360. Well GAME have updated the banner to clear things up, the banner now reads “Downloadable Ryo’s forklift” suggesting Ryo from Shenmue’s Forklift will be playable as a seperate vehicle outside of his All Star Move but this leaves the question what would Ryo’s All Star Move be when riding the Forklift as his main vehicle(if he has one)?

It’s unknown at present wether this will appear as DLC for people who don’t pre-order, wether it will be available outside of Spain or wether it will appear on other formats.

We’ll keep you updated. A HUGE thanks to Jolt at the SSMB for the heads up and translation.

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  1. Perhaps the Super star ability will just give you the ability to actually use the front part of the machine to flip over the people as seen in his original trailer. Using the forklift as a regular vehicle won’t let you do that.

  2. Maybe if you download the forklift, you can drive it with which ever character you want and not just Ryo.

  3. Sheesh. American Sonic fans have been getting the shaft over the past few years regarding preorder bonuses. I’m sure they’ll eventually add him to the marketplace for us Yanks to obtain, but I’m sure we’ll have to pay for it. :/

  4. So I guess that essentially confirms that the Wii gets no DLC… why they can’t just bundle stuff like this with the game I will never know.

  5. @C.Olimar788

    Developer Rebellion, the crew working on the upcoming SEGA title “Aliens vs. Predator,” recently talked a bit about DLC. Basically, with most games, the project is wrapped up several months before the product is actually released. Between the time that the team finishes the content that will be printed on the disc and the actual release date of the game, the developer has ample time to work on extra content, which can be released much more quickly than the retail game itself, and therefore can be available as an add-on the very same day that the full game comes out. This would be a logical explanation for why Ryo on his Forklift is a download-only character.

    Of course, there’s always the possibility that Ryo and his Forklift are already on the disc, and SEGA’s just trying to squeeze some extra cash out of us for something as lame as an unlock code (excluding the people who had the foresight to preorder the game at specific retailers… and live within the correct regions). SEGA’s had a decent track record with NOT screwing us with unlock codes though, with the Sonic 2006 and Sonic Unleashed DLC being a perfect example (those would be some HUGE unlock codes!), so I’m more inclined to believe that my initial assumption is the right one.

  6. What?! First they get the ugly wheel and now they get Ryo & his forklift? I sense some American discrimination on the premises. I already pre-ordered ASR for 360 here, so there better be some premotion for the US as well or SEGA shall feel my boot!!

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