9 New Xbox 360/PS3 ASR Screenshots

9 New Xbox 360/PS3 ASR Screenshots

Three new screenshots for Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing have appeared on Toys R Us’s U.S. website, nothing new is revealed but we do get another good look at Alex Kidd and Amigo’s All Star Moves which see Amigo gather his fellow racers in to a conga line and Alex Kidd jump into his little helicopter. We’ll bring you more news in the run up to release as it’s revealed.

Toys R Us

Objectif SEGA

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  1. I’m having some slight problems with the images. I’ll post the link so you guys can check them out there.

    Fixed now but still can’t get the images to expand to their full size when you click them like I normally can so I’ve put all three of them in their medium size. You’ll have to click the link to Toys R Us’s website and click them there to see the full size pics I’m afraid.

  2. Seen that Alex Kidd one before somewhere.. but the other 2 are neat 🙂
    Would’ve been nice if the helicopter were an alternative racing vehicle.

    Sonic Adventure 2 was unplayable.. yada yada

  3. @Jix (on the comment about SA2): I hope to god that you’re referring to the GameCube version…

    @Sonicyoda: Me too, although I had my 150-something emblem save file deleted after a memory card malfunction; it was the ONLY damaged file, too!

    @Eggman123: Big looks weird – period. He always has and always will!

    In any case, I really don’t see the point in these new screenshots; not only do they fail to reveal anything new about ASR, but their resolution is far too low for me to see most of the action, and they have odd, white padding on the top and bottom of them. Oh well; at least it’s SOMETHING to tide us over until the game is released…

  4. @ Extaticus
    Screenshots are screenshots wether they reveal anything new or not, fans want to have a look at the game wether the screens reveal anything or not.

    I’ve fixed the screenshots to display their highest resolution (500×500 in this case) when you click them now.

  5. @Extaticus: I don’t see what’s wrong with it. Control stick to move, A to jump, B for action, L & R for camera, start for start. What’s wrong there?

  6. must be the PS3 Or xbox360 fan boys mad about SA1 And SA2 Not being on PSN-PS3 or XBLA-XBOX360

    Also i don’t see any thing bad about the adventure 2 game it was the Exact same but it Had 2 More Stages and Better Graphics and it even had a 2P mode just not online and it Runs constantly at 60 FPS.

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