SEGA & Playtech Partner Up for Online Poker

SEGA & Playtech Partner Up for Online Poker is reporting that gaming licensor and developer Playtech has reached a deal with SEGA to create and, online suites of SEGA-themed card and casino games.

Obviously, SEGAcasino will feature casino games and classic and SEGApoker will have card games that support 35,000-person tournament play.

Mor Weizer, CEO of Playtech, said, “SEGA is one of the most highly respected brands in gaming today and the brands name speaks for itself. We’re ecstatic to have reached this agreement with SEGA Games Limited.”

“With our integrated platform and enhanced games suite, we feel that we’ve given them the tools to expand their product offering, provide a secure and safe gaming experience, and ultimately bring greater value to the SEGA community.”

Slow news week, folks.  How are the wife and kids?

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Should I care about this? Oh wait, I do care, just not in the way Playtech and Sega want. Please, I’d rather have fewer, more interesting updates than lots of boring ones. It’s hard enough to keep track of all the updates as it is.

    Unless this was just an excuse to post a Casino Park screenshot, in which case, don’t bother with text next time. 😉

  2. after a the Needlemouse character week we’ll have to wait for new infos probably over a month.
    how about a ASR preview if you get the chance Brad?

  3. Slow news week huh? Nobody’s heard about the sonic spinball type ride they’re making at alton towers. It’s going to be replacing spinball whizzer. There’s info at wikipedia and probably on the official website. Check it out people.

  4. Well, SEGA themselves have been gambling with Sonic for years, so it seems only fitting to let the fans have a go…

  5. @ The Angelic One
    EXACTLY but I was more on the lines of Casino Park xD Because I love its BMG.
    Got it on my ipod.
    Dose my one dollar equal 100 rings. BRING IT >;D
    This reminds me of that sonic pic from two weeks ago with sonic and the other characters playing a little card game.

  6. Real life casino park?
    Throwing babies at springs comes to mind… I think I need mental help if thats the first thing i think of XD

  7. “Slow news week huh? Nobody’s heard about the sonic spinball type ride they’re making at alton towers. It’s going to be replacing spinball whizzer. There’s info at wikipedia and probably on the official website. Check it out people.”

    You dummy. We were the FIRST ONES TO REPORT ABOUT THE ROLLERCOASTER. The Alton Towers people TALKED TO US. Lol.

    “how about a ASR preview if you get the chance Brad?”
    I don’t get a preview copy. I’m American.

  8. Sorry, next time i won’t post a comment if i’m going to be called a dummy. Thanks for making me look like an idiot dude. I didn’t realise that you had already reported on it. I just got excited by the news cos i visit alton towers regularly.

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