New Mobotropolis’ defenses fall in Sonic 208, now in comic shops!

New Mobotropolis’ defenses fall in Sonic 208, now in comic shops!

I have to say, even though the Iron Dominion Saga started out incredibly slow, the story has become really engrossing! Even though the solicitations tend to ruin the surprises, this saga is still probably the best I’ve ever read in Archie. This excellence looks like it’s going to continue in the latest issue! You can see for yourself in the five page preview and solicitation posted below.

“Iron Dominion Part One”: The unthinkable happens as the Iron Queen finds a way around New Mobotropolis’s defenses! It’s a full-scale invasion by the forces of evil, and it’s up to Sonic and Tails to save the day! But what hope do they have when yet another of their friends falls prey to the Iron Queen’s powers?
Writer: Ian Flynn
Penciler: Tracy Yardley!
Senses-shattering cover by Patrick “Spaz!” Spaziante
Shipping Date December 30th, 2009
On Sale at Comic Shops January7th, 2010
On Sale at Newsstands January 19th, 2010
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. They’re no where near taking the biznatch out.. they’re still defending New Mobotropolis.. and with the Chaotix busy with the D.F.F support isn’t looking too good either.. time to call in G.U.N?

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  2. Hey, these things always contain the six page preview. Don’t want it, don’t click it 😉 Everything in this post has been known for awhile now.

  3. They can’t call in gun, the iron queen would take all of there guns, spin them around, BOOM HEAD SHOT!

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