Easter Egg Spotted In Latest ASR Trailer

Easter Egg Spotted In Latest ASR Trailer

Keen eyed SSMB Member Doctor Eggman has spotted the above little Easter Egg in the latest Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing trailer . If you look closely you’ll see Sonic, Shadow, Amy and Knuckles on those green screens with stat bars next to them. Could Eggman be using ASR races on his track to examine his rivals?

What a crafty villain he is!

Kudos to Sumo for getting Eggman’s character spot on and thanks Doctor Eggman at the SSMB for pointing this out.

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  1. Only Doctor Eggman (SSMB member) would notice this 😉 haha XD………….afterall, it is his stage 😉 😛

  2. Probably keeping tabs of who’s racing and in the lead.. .. man a lot of stuff from the game is being shown this week.. and its only Tuesday D:

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  3. It would make since.He got pwned at the end of sonic unleashed by dark gaia. He had time to get back up during sonics adventure in SBK.Now hes collecting data during this racing event *rubs chin*Just what are you up to eggman.

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