Bentley Jones Wants You to Star in His Video, Win Prizes

Bentley Jones Wants You to Star in His Video, Win Prizes


Bentley Jones has kicked off his “So Much More” video competition today, asking fans to perform his latest song, which is the theme of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing.  Fans who are selected as winners will not only win a fabulous prize pack, but their video will be featured in the official “So Much More video.”

All you need to do is film yourself performing to Bentley’s song “So Much More…” in any way you want. You can sing/lip-sync, dance, play/mime/air an instrument, produce an animation – there’s no limit to what you can do!! Upload your clip to a video sharing website (like YouTube) and e-mail the link (attachments will not be accepted) to* by February 26th 2010. It’s as simple as that!
1st PRIZE x 5
“Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
Signed concept art from “Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing”
“So Much More…” Limited Edition CD**
“So Much More…” glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
“SEGA Superstars Tennis” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

2nd PRIZE x 5
“Sonic & SEGA All-stars Racing” signed by the game’s creators SUMO Digital
“So Much More…” Limited Edition CD**
“So Much More…” glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

Large glossy artwork photo signed by Bentley Jones
YOUR performance featured in the official “So Much More…” video

Video soundtrack (in some form) must contain “So Much More…”

Shoot in the highest quality possible – this will help us when we come to edit your video and help your legions of adoring fans see your talent!!

Videos must a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

Upload your videos to a video sharing website (i.e. YouTube) then e-mail us the link to your video to*. We will ask winning entries to send us the raw file(s) once the competition has closed. Do not attach videos to e-mails as your e-mail will not be delivered.

Videos must contain the tag either as an annotation (preferable) or in the video description.

Extra bonus points will be awarded for placing the “So Much More…” CD** somewhere in the video.

One video entry will only be eligible to win one prize bundle, regardless of how many people may feature in (or have contributed to) the video entry.

Competition closing date: February 26th 2010. Any entries received after this date will not be eligible.

Entries to feature in the official “So Much More…” music video will be contacted upon the competition’s closing and asked to send us the raw video files either digitally or by post. This should be done as quickly as possible within 7 days so we can announce the winners on schedule. Failure to do so may result in your video being disqualified.

Once all selected video entries have been received, prize winners will be announced with the release of the “So Much More…” music video on 19th March 2010 (TBC).

Videos must not contain any profanity, explicit, discriminatory or otherwise offensive material including third party advertising.

*By submitting your video entry to the e-mail address you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. **If you have already ordered / purchased the “So Much More…” CD, winners may be eligible to a refund if they so choose.

Good luck!

Visit for more information.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by


Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. I haven’t heard the full song yet cos i ordered the cd from bentley’s site today. But the preview i heard on amazon sounded really good.

  2. yeah friends, your go home suck low must not have any Gregs.

    In short, stfu Greg, that was not cool of you =/

  3. This is fun! Bentley Jones sure loves the communitee more than any other Sonic artist eh? Gotta get animating!

  4. Greg’s a TSSZ follower, go figure. He’s probably from North America as well, where Europop kind of goes over their heads. He’s also a dick.

    I’d love to enter this but I don’t think I can stoop as low as lip-syncing a song on YouTube. There’s far too much of that about. But then again, at least it goes towards something in regards to this competition instead of being completely redundant the moment it hits the internet.

  5. I despise him and all his songs… its only worth it for ASR… Tennis sucked… in my oppinion…

  6. Can somebody please explain to me whats so great about this guy? Ive listened to his non-Sonic related music and its atrociously bad on Jonas Brothers level. The high pitch whinny nasal voice suggests his influences are derive from sucktacular emo bands like Fall Out Boy and Simple Plan. His lyrics are so amateur they sound like they were written from a 13 year old girls’ myspace blog. The fact that this type of horrible ear raping music is associated with Sonic gives an added reason why the franchise is failing. If Sega wants to maintain the dignity of Sonic, they should at least hire bands with talent. Here’s a suggestion. Daft Punk to compose the score for Project Needlemouse. Think about it Sega 😉

  7. @AKR: Yes. Absolutely would love to hear Daft Punk.

    @Dreadknux: I admit. I should’ve been nicer, but when most all opinions praise him simply for songs where he has to edit his own voice to sound any good, there’s a serious problem there. Imagine if he had been at American Idol… He would never had gotten a golden ticket or a free ride to Hollywood.

    By the way, aren’t you a moderator here? Because saying I have no friends isn’t exactly professional for someone with such a high status in the community.

  8. @Greg The Cat: Should have been nicer? You didn’t once address your thoughts or opinion on the guy. You just outright insulted him! If you had written what you just did there, I wouldn’t have had a problem with you. You should be careful with your words next time.

    And I can say what I fancy on my own site. It’s one of the perks. 😉

  9. @sonictoast
    you can get it if you convert it off youtube or if you wana do it the legal way get it off itunes or bentley’s site

  10. More North American’s failing to grasp an understanding of Europop.

    But really, ‘The high pitch whinny nasal voice suggests his influences are derive from sucktacular emo bands like Fall Out Boy and Simple Plan’? I think Bentley’s voice is perfect for the style of music and if you’ve never seen him live (which I can easily assume you haven’t) you’d realise he can perform just as well (if not better) than his recorded material.

    Personally, I’ve always thought pop/dance soundtracks fit Sonic games a lot better than rock ones (no offence Jun). Remeber Sonic CD? Good times…

    And this is all coming from a man who listens to In Flames, At The Gates, Gama Bomb etc.

  11. See personally I don’t like his music. But he seems like a very nice guy and has done a lot of good stuff around the community, he has my respect in that regard. So I think people posting up whether or not they like his music would be fine, but to issue out personal attacks on the dude is rediculous. He did nothing wrong and has been nice to us. Our fandom just hates people that are nice to them I guess 8)

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