Subscribe to ONM, Get Sonic Slot Car Racing Or M&S Olympics

Subscribe to ONM, Get Sonic Slot Car Racing Or M&S Olympics


Remember that “meh” slot car racing set that we showed you last month?  Well, now you don’t have to pay for it.  Among the latest subscription offers for Official Nintendo Magazine, one of them is the Sonic & Tails tabletop racing set, complete with FOUR FOOT OF ACTION.

This fantastic collector’s edition racing set is an ideal way to pass the time after a heavy gaming session. Can Tails actually beat Sonic in a race? There is only one way to find out and that is to subscribe to Official Nintendo Magazine, bag yourself this awesome gift and save an impressive 20% off the cover price as well! (Requires 4xAA batteries that aren’t included – sorry)

Key errors in that statement: “fantastic” and “ideal.”  But hey, it’s free now, I guess.  Subscriptions to ONM with these promotional offers cost £10.37 for every three months.  Gift alternatives to the slot car racing set include Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for the DS (uh… wow, awesome), Guiness Book of World Records for the DS (the only item worse than the slot car racing), a 2 GB SD gaming card, or a Wii courier bag.  I don’t know why the racing set is the “premiere” item to subscribe.  You can actually play M&S Olympiad for more than 15 minutes.


Subscribe to Official Nintendo Magazine and get free stuff already.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. I don’t know why anybody would be somehow compelled to subscribe to subscribe to ONM; they are the most blatantly biased, pretentious and downright Nintendo-fanboy magazine under the sun, and make no attempts to hide it. Even for a cool-looking slot car racing set, I would never lower and debase myself to subscribe to such rigged, stilted trash.

  2. Haha Awesome iv seen loads of these in Game and Gamestation for about 10/15 pound they even have remote control Sonic and Tails racing cars what you can race around on the floor instead on that four foot of track

  3. @ Extaticus

    I wouldn’t go that far but they are pretty damned biased. Then again it is an Official magazine so it means they’re in Nintendo’ wallet.

  4. I’ve never read ONM, but the I’m guessing it is the equivalent of the US magazine “Nintendo Power”. Nintendo Power is great they are on the level as me, a mascot fanboy, so they give the reviews from the perspective I care about, and if a game stinks they aren’t afraid to say so. I was kind of sad when they gave Olympic Winter Games a horrible rating. Anyway its also nice because you don’t pay for pages and pages of reviews of 3rd party playstation games that absolutely no one cares about.

  5. Recently I noticing too much Sonic merchandise in classic style, does this mean Project Needlemouse game even te characters will be in retro style?

    Even a Classic Amy plush is realeased!

  6. if you buy the magazine every month in retail stores…….subscribe….its cheaper and you get a free gift…what’s not to like…if you don’t like the gift,give it to a charity hospice who’s kids will love it for you.

  7. ONM is a magazine that promotes Nintendo,the clue is in the title,if you have no interest in that,who cares…you can lower and debase yourself with a copy of ‘Donkey Monthly’instead….

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