Nostalgia Trippin’

Nostalgia Trippin’


A resident member of the SFGHQ forums, my buddy Cstyler showed up on Monday with a pleasant and awesome surprise.  He has created these images of the old Genesis levels with a pseudo-3D viewpoint.  Each aspect of a level’s background is twisted and skewed to create a new, yet trippy, perspective.  In short, they’re epic.

These images have become an instant hit and I thought that I’d share them with the rest of you.  If you have a standard 4:3 monitor, they make a great desktop wallpaper (they’re not quite to scale, but they’re close enough). Spring Yard, pictured above, is especially epic.  Check out the entire gallery of these new look classics past the jump:

htz ehz e82bd0012323 e66fc84003d7

da66f6475b44 c67ab2774acc aecd2f5df577 679541dfb0be

030c8bafc81f 17a5a0d3b598 13f5f5878915 7eb5427065c0


Cstyler is working on some more, so if he releases them, I will update this post.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. What a clever idea. I have a 4:3 monitor but I don’t think these are quite high-res enough to be desktop wallpaper. Love them still though. =D

  2. These are brilliant! I think my favorite is the Labyrinth Zone one because of the extra detail in the background.

  3. These are pretty awesome, despite their small sizes. I especially love the Marble and Labyrinth Zones renditions. Unfortunately, these are far from perfect. The blur effect seems to throw it off for me on some of the pictures, and ones like the Scrap Brain Zone have too many objects in view. Even for ones as simple as the Casino Night Zone, which is just a huge block. The curse is a nice touch, but it’s not enough to outweigh it. With only a couple less objects, there would be a perfect balance of foreground and background.

    Don’t get me wrong, though: these ARE nice. I especially love the fog effect on the Marble Zone rendition. They just need work is all. Any experienced artist (or critic at least) may tell you the same thing.

  4. These are really impressive. Awesome what the Sonic community can come up with sometimes. Certainly makes a change from FAT AMY, BIG BOOBS ROUGE and PENIS SONIC. Do the people on DA actually like Sonic or do they just do it because everyone else does?

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