New Sonic Xtreme Files Leaked

New Sonic Xtreme Files Leaked

Leak pic 1

Sonic Retro Admin Scarred Sun has leaked a package of files containing development material from the game Sonic Xtreme. For those not in the know, Sonic Xtreme was a title planned to launch SEGA’s blue mascot into the 3D era of gaming but the game worked on by Chris Senn and Ofer Alon had its life cut short when SEGA pulled the plug on its development.

Contained in the package are images, textures, definitions, and a viewer written by SANiK—fisheye perspective and all. With these files we can get a closer look at just how far into development the game was before it reached cancellation.

You can grab the file package here

Images from Sonic Paradise

Source: Sonic Retro forums
via: Sonic Paradise

More images and comparison’s to older screenshots below –

Leak Pic 2 crystal_frost1 Leak Pic 3 other

We’ll keep you updated on any further developments.

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  1. People need to let this game rest in peace. Constantly digging up and re-burying it isn’t going to do anyone any good.
    R.I.P Sonic X-Treme – The reason I bought a Saturn.

    *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*

  2. Agreed, I mean, if their was a playable beta I guess keeping it alive would be okay.
    But, none of us have played it! Just let it be.. (completely meant as a beatles pun)

  3. @Jix: I disagree. I would like to see a fan project to remake what could have been. The more it gets resurrected, the more likely that is to happen.
    Oh, and Sonic Adventure 2 was good.

  4. I still think the game looks terrible… The stages just look like a lot of madness to me. I can’t figure out what’s going on in any of them.

  5. I think it’s horrible that people are so quick to push info on Sonic Xtreme to one side. Chris Senn and co. slogged their guts out to try and finish this game and went through some real hardships before the game was finalled canned.

    Any new media on Xtreme is always remarkably interesting to me as I generally feel that Senn and co. were onto something great. Watching videos and looking and old screenshots gives me the impression that the team really understood what made Sonic games such great fun. While speed and “innovation” are still central to the Sonic experience; platforming and challenging level design is what really makes a Sonic game. Some of the stages I’ve seen look like they would have been awesome to explore.

  6. It’s really a shame it never happened, I’ll just leave it there….

    And Sonic Adevnture 2 was freaking amazing!!

  7. I think the more info about Sonic Xtreme the better – there is absolutely no benefit gained in “letting it rest”.
    The files are an awesome insight into what could have been; what were going through the developers minds once true 3D games became a reality.

    I agree that the game doesn’t look fun at all and is too much of a leap away from traditional Sonic gameplay, but any info is better than no info.

    I wouldn’t care for a completed version though…

  8. Granted they put a lot of work into it and it was unfortunate to see it canceled,especially after all the positive news on it in magazines, new characters etc, but that happens, sometimes for a lot of different reasons, it just wasn’t meant to be.

    @Ison : How many “fan projects” are ever 100% finished and see the light of day?

    *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*

  9. *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*


  10. I wanted to try this game…but I agree…let this game rest.

    oh yeah… Sonic Adventure 2 was my most favorite Sonic 3D game ever!!
    It was the most amazing game I’ve played… next to Unleashed ^^
    ya know? I’m going to enjoy SA2 again by playing it now!! 8D

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