Support SEGA In The 2009 Open Web Awards

Support SEGA In The 2009 Open Web Awards

Social Networking site Twitter seems to be in the middle of taking over the world lately. The site allows you to post 140 character messages that can be read by potentially anyone in the world. The huge popularity Twitter enjoys is partly to do with how celebrities have ceased it as a way with communicating with their fans; From the self proclaimed “King of Twitter” Stephen Fry to Zac Effron and everyone else in-between.

It should be no surprise then that companies have also tried to be part of the action as a way of advertising their products. One such company making a better job of it than most is SEGA thanks largely to tireless work of Community Managers ArchangelUK and Martin ‘the fat ninja’ (his words, not mine!). So if you have a Twitter account and you’re not already following SEGA, what are you waiting for?

If you are following SEGA and would like to show a sliver of appreciation for all the hard work being put in by your favourite games company you could always vote for them in the 2009 Open Web Awards run by Mashable’s. This is their third annual award competition and comprises of a whopping 50 categories.

The category that would best help Sega’s Tweets is the “Best Brand Use of Twitter”. You can then vote for as many or as few categories as you wish and you can also vote daily. All you need is a Twitter account to start so now you’ve been enjoying a unique insight into Sega why not show you’re appreciation and vote?

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  1. well what a coincidence that sega had to apologise in twitter just lately( from tssz) I better stick with tss when it is about news ” waits for project needlemouse infos

  2. Vote for Sega?….nah, I’d rather vote for a company who produces more stellar games, UNLESS Sega produces another excellant F-Zero game. Then I’ll vote for them.

  3. Phantasy Star Zero, dude. You want a stellar game, it’s one of the best feats to come to the DS, been playing it quite a bit lately.

  4. Valkyria Chronicles? Yakuza? Afterburner Climax? Bayonetta? Madworld? House of the Dead Overkill?

    SEGA makes more then just Sonic. They produce plenty of stellar games.

  5. @nuckles87

    House of the Dead is pretty entertaining but hardly stellar, same can be said for Madworld. Bayonetta is not out yet and is only being published by Sega; Platinum Games is developing it. Though I admit that the other 3 are good, in particular Valkyria Chronicles, Sega is no longer the studio of creative talent that they once were.

    @Max Gene

    I haven’t played that game, I’m short on money. If it’s anything like Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast I won’t get it. That was such a mediocre grind fest.


    Yeah, I kinda read the topic wrong. My bad.

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