“Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

“Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

SOS09-LOGO-WITH-DATE1Because we simply can’t give away enough stuff to you ravenous Sonic fans, there’s one last chance to snag yourself a really nice piece of Sonic history for your collection! The legendary Sonic composer Howard Drossin has given us a Signed copy of the “Virtual Sonic” album for one of you lucky people to win in our competition!

Drossin was behind some of the best known music in the Sonic Universe, such as the soundtracks to Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Spinball and more recently contributed tracks for Sonic and the Black Knight. This album is pretty hard to come by as far as Sonic music goes, so you’ll not want to miss an opportunity to own something that would be extremely worthy of a place in anyone’s collection of Sonic gear!


The question that we pose to you is “If you were put in charge of Summer of Sonic ’10, what would you do?”. In no more than 300 words, we want to know where you’d hold the convention, what events you’d run, who you would invite, what you’d have happen on the stage – it’s up to you! Who knows; your ideas might even happen next year! The entrant who submits the most entertaining and original idea will win themselves this snazzy little gift.

So what are you waiting for? Get thinking!

Submit all entries with the title “Your Virtual Summer of Sonic Competiton” to summerofsonic2009@googlemail.com.

Closing date for all entries is Friday 11th of September. The Winning entry will be posted on the site the following week.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. No, I’m not so intrested. It’s not really something speciall to have a CD that I guy has been doodeling his name on. Nah, not so intresting. But I’ts fun that you make sp many funny contests TSS!
    EDIT: “Some guy” is Howard Drossin…really guys, if you’ve got nothing constructive to say in future, just keep your yaps shut – T

  2. You guys are crazy, I would love to have that CD! That is a rare piece of Sonic memorabilia that I would be no less than enthusiastic to add to my collection.

  3. To be honest, that CD’s mediocre at best – Howard Drossin’s best work it isn’t, over appreciated it most certainly is; if TSS really wants to impress us, it should offer up a signed copy of the brilliant Sonic Boom. That would make an interesting prize – worth the time it takes to write 300 words, at least…

    To be fair to Virtual Sonic, it is worth a download, but not much else. Kudos to whoever came up with the contest idea, though…

  4. Quality album it might not be – but a rarity it certainly is. Any Sonic collector worth his/her salt is going to want a hard copy of this.

    Howard signed a copy of this album and sent it directly to us, so let’s not be rude about his gift to one of you here, eh? Otherwise he and other celebrities might wonder why they bother doing things for the community at all.

  5. Dreadknux is right. What if they are actually READING the comments here? The one who offered the prize.

    I’ll definitely try to get this CD. Sonic stuff is already very rare around my place so it’s definitely something that’ll stand out in my collection 😀

  6. yeah, I may not know much about the CD. But if its a rare prize and signed as well it gets me quite interested. I mean I couldn’t attend SoS 09 to win anything so its great I have a chance now. Well done DreadKnux, lets make the album feel wanted.


  8. A good album it is not, but like many a Sonic fan I have a prechant for collecting so in the next week I’ll no doubt be dashing me ideas down for this contest.

  9. I’d happily have that cd to go with the cd i bought at this years SOS. By the way i’ve just registered but i haven’t got a password yet.

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