The Road To The Summer of Sonic – 17 Days To Go

The Road To The Summer of Sonic – 17 Days To Go

It’s almost time for the return of the world’s first Sonic the Hedgehog convention. And I am positively excited about the whole affair. Excited and nervous, actually. Who would have thought that an idea formed in my little head several years ago would actually become one of the most talked about events on the Sonic fan calendar? Not me for starters.

Thanks to the growing relationship I have with Sega Europe, which first began in 2005 when we ran Shadow Week, myself and a group of TSS staff and SSMB community members worked together with Sega to make the first true, real-life Sonic gathering. And it was really awesome. SoS 2008 couldn’t have gone better for a bunch of first-timers who never had any prior experience to hosting such an event.

Fast forward to 2009 and already SoS has grown exponentially. Sega are more heavily involved in the process; we have a budget rather than paying for a tiny hall out of a pool of community money; the success of last year’s event gives us some clout in inviting more special guests over… I haven’t had a second to really stop and think about it all this year, but given a chance this morning it’s really hit me how big and successful this thing is.

Of course, the additional luxuries mean additional pressures – we have a 500-strong space in the form of the Truman Brewery this time around, with a nice outdoor area, public parking, easy access and even a balcony (which I’m so using as a Command Deck! Watch me act like a pirate overseeing the sea of Sonic fans on the day!). But, seemingly endless amount of red tape are associated with actually hiring the space, because of the fact that it’s a proper professional venue rather than Dragon Hall’s cool and cosy community hall.

Everyone’s working really hard to get stuff done in this final stretch. AAUK has perhaps been the most busy of us all – again, the red tape means that a lot of things have to be run through Sega (it’s no bad thing; we’re talking budgeting stuff, hiring equipment, securing content that can only really come from Sega…) this time around, but he has been an absolute trooper in helping to secure Sumo Digital and an exclusive (unless you went to E3) preview of Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing. That and he’s working on, with fiancee Echo Hawk, a huge sprite comic built out of beads. Epic.

T-Bird’s been super-busy in working his butt off to try and get sections talking to each other and organising schedules with me. Jemnezmy’s finishing up our special “Featured Artists” wall, which will feature select fan artwork printed off in glossy A4 and displayed next to the general community wall. Then Jem’s off to bake some epic Sonic cakes! Flyboy and I are working on write-ups that will introduce the cartoons and comics to visitors of the event, and Casanova is creating devious questions to pose at me and T-Bird at the special Sonic quiz. All while Urtheart tries to avoid working way too hard in security and ticket-providing and B’man and DiscoPonies figure out wireless connections and technical hoo-hah.

As for me, I’ve still got two lengthy Q&A sessions to prepare for (yep, it’s muggins here that’ll be on stage with Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn and Sumo Digital), another live Sonic Hour to bungle with Roareye and the general stress of ensuring every section is catered for and that my floorplan is solid, enough volunteers are on each area and that the schedule runs smoothly on the day. So yeah, I’ll try not to have a heart attack. ๐Ÿ™‚

Half of the fun in doing this though, as I learned last year, is the stress of preparing the convention. That might sound a little strange to you (but maybe not to you, over there), but I’ve been powering through these problems with the end result in mind – an awesome little show that aims to bring fans closer together in a real-life space. And when it turns out well, that more than makes up for all of the crap that we’ve had to go through the last six months.

If SoS 2008’s friendly visitors and attendees were any indication, then we’re in for one of the most awesome Sonic ho-downs this side of Christmas Island. I hope you’re as excited as I am about August 29th, and I hope to see you guys there on the day! Oh, and I’m staying in a hotel round the corner from the venue, so I will be out and about to hang loose with people for an after-gathering at a nearby pub or something if some of you want.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I can’t wait either. I’ve based a whole weekend spent in London based around Summer of Sonic. This is going to be awesome.

  2. A modest and energising speech my friend. I liked the tone you put into this message of yours – it’s enough to make any Sonic fan enthusiast proud and really excited by the endless possibilities that is ‘The Summer of Sonic’.

    I’m currently writing this while on break at the Casino, and god damn I’m still stoiked by how far you and the team have reached in this crusade to bring Sonic fans together as one. The management involved is huge in scope and I know what it’s like to manage something this huge – well at least in theory and practice at my current workplace that is Burswood Entertainment Complex.

    Svend, you continue to be an inspiration. Don’t ever let that spark of fire in ya die out – only amazing things continue to come with your inititative, composure, creativity and commitment. This same goes with the team involved, friends I know of too who are putting in blood, sweat and tears into this.

    I will tell you one thing mate – one day, one day…

    I will learn, observe and appreciate all the SOS’s to come. What happens thereafter. Well… Let’s just say it’s a goal in the distant future that I aim, as a Sonic fan too, to host an event like yours.

    Keep it going buddy and see you and the gang real soon in London!

  3. Me to cant wait!! I gona be there and i am so excited it feel like it is christmas allredy!!

  4. You know, my birthday’s so placed that I’ve been to SOS at 14 and will go again at 16, but will not have missed a single event inbetween!

    (It’s tomorrow, you know. ๐Ÿ™‚ I may be picking up TRANS//LATION soon.)

  5. Can’t wait to go as it seems it will be a great gathering and a grand event. Gaming, comic artists and even (YAH!) a drawing corner means this will be epic.

  6. Whoops! Looks like my previous message regarding the topic didn’t make it through. X_X; Ah well that’s what you get for using the computers at my workplace… =’ (

    Anyways just a reply to Umi – MAKE SURE YOU PRACTICE FINAL NIGHT๏ฝž – Bentley Jones (TRANS//LATION). And a whole bunch of other Sonic vocal tracks. I’ll be singing along to those on the day at a scheduled time! ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. A modest and energising speech my friend. I liked the tone you put into this message of yours – it’s enough to make any Sonic fan enthusiast proud and really excited by the endless possibilities that is ‘The Summer of Sonic’.

    I’m currently writing this while on break at the Casino, and god damn I’m still stoiked by how far you and the team have reached in this crusade to bring Sonic fans together as one. The management involved is huge in scope and I know what it’s like to manage something this huge – well at least in theory and practice at my current workplace that is Burswood Entertainment Complex.

    Svend, you continue to be an inspiration. Don’t ever let that spark of fire in ya die out – only amazing things continue to come with your inititative, composure, creativity and commitment. This same goes with the team involved, friends I know of too who are putting in blood, sweat and tears into this.

    I will tell you one thing mate – one day, one day…

    I will learn, observe and appreciate all the SOS’s to come. What happens thereafter. Well… Let’s just say it’s a goal in the distant future that I aim, as a Sonic fan too, to host an event like yours – overseas.

    Keep it going buddy and see you and the gang real soon in London!

    Kind regards,

    Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong

  8. HEH!!! X3 Can’t wait to go, bein’ 13 and all @__@ I had to drag my mom And I really hope there be Sonic plushies there X33 CAN’T WAIT!!

  9. There’s nowt wrong wit tha’ tha’ can’t beh t’cured by t’whippets there Casanova. Champion that is. Now where’s mah Hovis.

  10. HooraY! I’ll go there, tell everyone how awesome Sonic 06 was and complain how they’re not TROO SAWNEEK FAHNS if they disagree! XD

    Nah, I won’t. But seriously, could you imagine?

  11. Ha ha! Me yorkshire ain’t quo’lified to be mate. Looking forward to seeing you there. Feel free to join me and the gang on a singout at the event – via courtyard. Otherwise you can share us some of your poetry – I would like you to do some homework for me.

    Write in 2 paragraphs or so on ‘What ‘The Summer of Sonic’ means to you?” I’ll be bringing in my camera and record you reading out what SOS means to you in prose/poetry form (for a better challenge try memorising it). Once I’ve done that I’ll compile this with all the other messages I’ll be getting from friends and fans at the event. *thumbs up*

    Indeed… “Tharts Champion that is”… I remember you teaching me that last year.

    Oh and STULF the 20X6 Hedgehog, be patient, you’ll get your chance in the U.S. You’ll be thankful for your patience because I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be a Sonic convention over in your home country sometime in the near future. UK and the US both have a HUGE market share for this, it only makes sense to host an event to give something back to the community. SEGA of US need a wake up call and follow the times – SEGA UK/Europe being the brave and daring example of taking initiative of events and concepts such as SOS (which I can understand it’s more likely possible to happen because of the advantageous smaller geographic zone when compared to the US).

    Anyways, keep believing, there’s a Sonic in each and everyone of us. Like in Sonic CD’s theme song, sometimes you just gotta “believe in yourself”.

  12. Elson wins the prize for “longest comment essay containing the most waffle”.
    SoS, SoS,
    What a strain, I must confess,
    On resources SEGA, and money from bank,
    Kev doesn’t sleep, Urth you should thank

    for spending his hours, toiling away,
    we’ve spent too much money on somewhere to stay,
    Dread will survey, from crow’s nest above,
    should you see him there, give him some love


  13. LMFAO! XXD Wow, what a hit poem for SOS! XXD

    Man you came up with that on the spot… X_X; It wouldn’t be hard to when you’re proactively involved in the organisation of the event. = )

    And yes, I AM THE WAFFLE KING!! *sings ‘Waffle King’ by Weird Al*… *SHOT* XD Oh wait what waffle?

  14. Thank you Darkspeed, it’s nice to recieve comments that are nice in the fan base. Remember to play it safe lik Jason Griffith.

  15. “every time that you break down and cry / you know i wanna say i love you”

    If I can sing it nearly as fast as Lee, I’ll do so, Elson. If not, I’ll dance really bad. XD

  16. Anyway, I may do a bit of ‘Knight of the Wind’ – SLOOOOW VERSION. Soulful. Mmm. *nods*

    And then break into my Sonic Rap. Probably. And then after that, right into Super Angel Smash Island (maybe duet our two versions?).

  17. epic.
    this says everything and i will go as soon as possible to that convention.
    just dont let this convention die ,TSS
    my highest thanks for all the things you do for the community(=

  18. STULF – LOL! XXD Dude I was so going to make a comic strip about that. Probably will when I come back from my holiday. Thanks for the reminder!

    Umiyuri – Even that part is difficult to master cuz it’s so fast…! XD I consider this a level 3 song because of the lyrical style and pace is hard to keep it in many cases. Heck even the chorus bit is not easy!! XXD

    But YES we are SO going to Sonic RAP with me. X3 I didn’t expect you to rap! /= ) I’m in sync with ‘His World’, ‘W-T Remix for Oil Ocean’, all the Knuckles songs and half way decent with Duane and Brand0’s ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’.

    And heck yeah I’m cool with the duet job. Please do sing with me and the gang this year! Check out my plans for SOS09 this year via (my latest journal entry that is!)

  19. The King (from CDi): HHHHMMMMMMM, I wonder what will be in Jason Griffith condom comic.

    What’s even funnier is that I have no idea as to what songs anyone’s talking about now. Are they fan made?

  20. WTFudge…? I still made an error during correction. LOL!! I swear something’s up with the computer at work (on my second break for the graveyard shift).

    “…style and pace, it’s hard to keep up in many cases…”

    STULF – Regarding the JGCC, it’s one of those ‘one of a kind’ Sonic funnies that I do – something for the mature audience to understand and appreciate. = D

    Also if you want to know what songs I’m reffering to it’s a combination of fan-made and official soundtracks. I forgotten to mention Jose’ The Bronx Ricans’ ‘Unknown From M.E.’ which is an excellent hip hop OC Remix of Knuckles theme songs in SA and SA2.

    Umiyuri – Sadly, โ€˜Knight of the Windโ€™ ain’t in my list of songs to sing to. I haven’t been too fond of the vocal tracks from the Wii Sonic Adventure Storybook series… XXD;

    But indeed anything else from classic, retro to contemporary (i.e. ‘Love you Sonic’ of SONIC CD REMIX to ‘Endless Possibilities’ of Sonic Unleashed), I’m totally pumped up on singing those. = )

  21. God-damn it. I’m putting the recording I did with today’s birthday boy Alex on my phone and then I can make you listen to it. ๐Ÿ˜€ (I need to bring a lyrics book or something.)

    ENDLESS POSSIBILITEH~ And there is a song called ‘Love You Sonic’!? Why was I not informed of this madness!?

  22. ENDLESS POSSIBILITEEEEEE! (Endless possibility!)


    Oh you didn’t know about ‘Love You ‘Sonic”? How about ‘When We Reach For You ~ Could It Be Right?’

    These tracks can be found in SONIC REMIX album –

    But I warn ya they are quite tough to sing along to. Jap-glish galore… XXD I think you can nail the Japanese lyrics really well – as for me I just sing according to what I hear from how the guy sings… LOL!

    For instance – in the beginning of ‘When We Reach For You ~ Could It Be Right?’ it would sound like this:

    “Don’t wanna belooong (i.e. be alone), hold me so cloooose! Walkin’ on air! Since when I found yoooooou! Make’s me to thinks I look foooor yoooou! So many dreams! Moving time – it’s for memory! Come make me feel! Wanna be withzuuuuu (i.e. be with you).

    XXXD It’s fun when you get it to sound right! X3 Anyways be sure to practice! Love to hear how you sing on the day.

  23. Lyrics hunt failed spectacularly, as did trying to hear the lyrics. “wana bii wizuyu~” XD

    Maybe we’ll sing Spagonia Day Time instead.

  24. Who knows what the heck sega will be doing to celebrate the sonic sumer 09 but it’ll be big!!! I tell ya’ I’m a huge fan of the old racing game sonic R

  25. Finished the wig, but it’s not nearly as epic as I hoped. Maybe I need some a cat-ear headband. XD

  26. Hi there just telling you that i’m looking forward to it i have also heard that bentley jones will be there that’s awesome!!!!

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