Bentley Jones to Attend Summer of Sonic ’09!

Bentley Jones to Attend Summer of Sonic ’09!


If the Summer of Sonic wasn’t already awesome enough, it just got a whole lot more exciting.

Lee Brotherton a.k.a. Japanese chart-topping solo artist and Sonic fangirl heart-throb Bentley Jones has announced via the good old communication media of Facebook and Twitter that he will be attending Summer of Sonic again this year. Bentley Jones is the musical genius behind several Remix-Factory songs to have featured in recent Sonic titles, and more notably known for “Dreams of an absolution (Silver’s theme)” from Sonic ‘06 as well as versions of “His World”, “Open Your Heart” and “Seven Rings in Hand”.

To what capacity Lee will be attending the event is yet to be confirmed, but either way, we are absolutely stoked to have a legend of the Sonic universe return for the second year running. Only 34 more days to wait!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. Hmm, maybe i’ll be valient enough to ask to see his chest hair.
    Haha, no. But I did love Silver’s theme. That was very awsome.

  2. So basically this guy wins the award for making some of the most cheesy songs on the planet? Seriously Sonic music with lyrics since Sonic Adventure have been cheesy. The rifts and tunes are usually good or even great but the words and lyrics are mostly rancid. OR, as I assume he makes remixes of said songs? Anyway the more people at this event the better.

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