Summer of Sonic 2009 Venue Revealed!

Summer of Sonic 2009 Venue Revealed!


The wait is over for many fans waiting for the location of the second ever Sonic the Hedgehog convention – the Summer of Sonic 2009 is to take place in the Boiler House, at the Truman Brewery venue in London’s Brick Lane. The location makes it easy to get to for those traveling to the capital.

SOS 2009’s official website broke the news just now, with some information on the venue – the room holds 500 people, includes an outdoor area for extra space and fresh air, and has a distinctive chimney slap bang in the middle. We don’t think it works though, so toasting marshmallows (or cooking chili dogs) doesn’t look like an option, unfortunately.

The organisers have also dropped some hints to the happenings on the day – entry will be free, name registration will be required once again (although this time for legal obligations, not like 2008 where registrations were taken to prevent overcrowding) and Richard Jacques and TJ Davis could well attend a second time. The duo have been pencilled in for an appearance, but nothing has been set in stone, the website stresses.

More details are said to trickle in on a regular basis, so check out the Summer of Sonic website and The Sonic Stadium for the latest!

WHERE: The Boiler House, Truman Brewery (Summer of Sonic 2009)

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. *meet me at the old boiler house number 3… bring the money and the case… don’t let the Russians get wind or else we’re sunk!*

  2. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God!
    (Why am I posting a comment on here when I’ve already done so on the website?)

  3. lol I’ve just seen how much it’s costing to rent the building for the day! Outch!

  4. tear, that sounds better than Comic con. I wish I could be there. If any of you go take a lot of pictures to show me.

  5. Awesome. You say that name registration will be required but when you asked people in the community about who would coming you didn’t ask for names; just if you were coming and would you be bringing a guest (which I said yes to both). Will names just be given on the day or have to be given beforehand and ticked off on arrival?

  6. Grr… I wanna go!!! I can’t though ’till I can pay for my own ticket in collage, (which actually isn’t that far off for me since I’m already in High School) and I missed the first one by, not kidding, three days!!! I was in the area!!! *regains sanity* Whew, sorry about that, but I WILL try to go every summer to SOS starting next summer!!! (Can’t come this time ’cause I’m going to Disney… Grr… I’d rather go to SOS!!!!!) Anyway, I’m gonna go drown my sorrows in Sonic Unleashed. *goes off to play*

  7. I’ll be there! I found out about last year’s event in the Guiness Book of records and wished I’d known about it at the time. Now they’re holding a new one. Sweet!

    I’m sad now :(. Looks awsome either way.

  9. i wish i could go 2 london. but im 2 young 2 go and my parents dont want. sigh! well i hope it will be on one of the sonic show podcast X3

  10. Another year… another year that the U.S. has yet to create a cool Sonic The Hedgehog convention…

    I just don’t get it… if people these days are obsessed enough to create those stupid Twilight conventions, why not for our favorite blue hedgehog?!

  11. Golden~Hedgy: Unfortunately, both of the big Sonic sites (that’s Sonic Wrecks and Sonic Stadium) are England-based. I don’t know if America has a big-enough Sonic fanbase there to organise a convention. There’s also the fact that America is so big it inhabits multiple timezones, meaning quite a lot of you would have to reorganise your sleep-patterns to be able to get down there on time, or else the community being invited to the convention would have to be local to the area. I mean, in England, we could probably travel the length of the country in about five or six hours (and add another few for Scotland on the top).

    Stan: …Um… As a quick question, who made the logo again, Dreadknux?

  12. A little delayed, but WAHOO! A venue! (My computer is busted at the moment, hence the late reply)

    I wanna make a new logo for the event, depends on when my bloody Mac gets here, though D:

  13. @RT: Reading? The Lineup (minus Deftones, The Prodigy and Faith No More (!!!!)) is toss. And you should have gone to Download Festival to see the latter two already. 🙂 Go to SOS instead.

  14. All the best lads! You lot blew me away with the first one, so it’s a guaranteed win that you will do again this year!

  15. *crying* I wanna go!!…
    dammit! stupid country i’m in… nobody give a s*** about nothing…

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