Naka’s Prope Releases “Let’s Tap” and “Let’s Catch”

Naka’s Prope Releases “Let’s Tap” and “Let’s Catch”

A double dose of simplicity hits the Wii today in North America with the retail and download releases of Prope’s “Let’s Tap” and “Let’s Catch.”  “Let’s Tap” is going at a $29.99 price tag, while “Catch” is worth 1,000 Nintendo Points on WiiWare.  A European release date has yet to be announced for either title, as many outlets list it as “Summer 2009” or “To Be Announced.”  Check out some video of the two titles below:

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

Are you interested in picking up either of Naka’s new projects?  Let us know in the comments below.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Let’s Catch is great, I started playing it as soon as it hit the WiiWare. For a game that’s so simple it is very fun. Especially love the moment where the character I was playing catch with started advertising Let’s Tap.

  2. Oh no! I dont have the box peripheral to play Tap!
    1000 points to buy Catch? I could go to Wal-Mart and get a ball to throw around for that price..

    They look fun, but need online play

  3. I’m picking these up today. The prices are great and I’m super excited to see what Naka-san has developed.

  4. I’m uncertain about Let’s Tap as it has got mixed reviews, and with money being tight I only want to buy the highest quality games. Sorry Naka but my money is being saved for better games.

  5. Bah, reviews, resmooses…
    Whatever resmooses are.
    I think Let’s Tap looks like a decent WiiWare download and a good laugh to play with some mates, so I reckon a purchase in the future isn’t impossible.

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