Roarey’s RacCOMIC #6: Gigantic Twats
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This is hilarious but so true at the same time! Good job Mr. Raccoon.
Did I ever tell you, Roarey, that you’re a genius? No? Well, ya are.
Roary, you rock. I mean, this is a large amount of epic win. And I don’t mean that just because you used Nack/Fang. Man I love that guy.
I can only express my laughter in one smiley.
I give this comic 5 rings out of 5.
Is this all TSS does now? All the sonic drama wouldn’t be so bad if you guys would stop putting it centre-stage. This is antagonistic…its not helping the problem.
How about some Sonic NEWS….not this “im a twat ur a twat” bullshit. How about a more professional direction, huh?
Stan, this is just a regular feature whenever the fanbase stirs up. It’s kinda like political cartoons back in wartime. They didn’t help, but they were clever and humorous and helped people to understand what was going on. And besides, this is community blog section, reporting on things in the fanbase.
This is the Community Blog feature of the website. Therefore, special articles that offer a specific opinion of the writer (not that of TSS specifically) are highlighted. To continue our focus on News and other articles that find important, we have split the website so that you may find all the relevant articles in one place. You don’t have to look here.
@ Stan:
If the cartoons are cute enough I can get away with it :F. Drawing pictures of news facts would be….well it would be… fuck, can you think of a way to make that interesting?
So true…yet so sad…lol
7 emeralds out of 7 emeralds.
I agree with Stan
Just thought I’d leave a comment with regards to the issue of professionalism. Don’t worry, it’s nothing long.
I’d worry about being professional as soon as I started being paid as a professional. Nobody gives me anything, same goes for the writers of TSS articles. If you want a better direction or you think free, humorous material submitted with a jovial attitude isn’t the way to go, then start producing stuff yourself. That way your opinion and more enlightened methods of reaching out to jaded, ignorant community members will enter the ‘center stage’. Or you can be a twat like Fang there.
Major LOL! It’s about time to see SOMETHING that satires the Classic-Sonic purists. XD
Very good work, Roarey. *waves “Epic Win!” sign*
You are damn awesome Roarey.
So true.