OPM: Unleashed 1 of 4 Biggest Diaspointments of 2008

OPM: Unleashed 1 of 4 Biggest Diaspointments of 2008

sonic-unleashed-disapointment-OPM:UK-award chip-worst-new-character-OPM:UK-pic

In their latest issue, Official Playstation Magazine: UK have revealed their 2008 game awards as voted by you the public.

Sonic Unleashed was 1 of 4 games to be voted ‘Biggest Disappointment’ for 2008, the other 3 titles are Haze, Need For Speed: Undercover and Army Of Two.

Here’s what OPM:UK had to say –

Only disappointing in the same sense as a wayward child’s final, severing act of betrayal. We fervently hoped the hog would come good. He didn’t.

Many fans of the series have seen this game as a high turning point for the series, a step in the right direction but it looks like the general UK Playstation public don’t feel that way about the PS3 version at least. The PS2 version of the game has been placing pretty high on Chart Track in the UK Budget Priced charts since release.

The UK Playstation public didn’t stop striking Sonic Unleashed there, oh they had a problem with a certain someone from the game… Namely, Chip who was unfortunately crowned ‘Worst New Character’ for 2008.

Here’s what OPM:UK had to say –

Another year, another disastrous attempted comeback from Sega’s answer to Elvis. But for all the bile Sonic Unleashed triggered in our bellies, we reserved the purest rage for our spiky (ex-)friend’s latest sidekick, Chip: a purple douche who loves ice cream, trots out an endless stream of banality and looks like a flying Chihuahua. Which is kind of fitting given that we’d rather let a lap dog gnaw on our own undercarriage than play the big bag of balls that was Unleashed ever again.

That has to be the biggest over-exaggeration I have ever seen, there is no real reason given as to why he has been voted Worst New Character. Anyone can say they hate a character and just describe said character with vulgar words and phrases. Oh well, I guess this childish rant fits in with their review score of 4/10

Do you agree with the UK Playstation public’s votes? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. I couldn’t disagree more. It is the only Sonic game i’ve really enjoyed since Adventure 2 and I cant put it down. I even enjoyed it more than Super Smash Bros. Brawl and that is saying something! A magazine shouldn’t review a game in a biased way. A Sonic hater obviously wrote this article and that doesn’t give an accurate idea of how good the game is. I would give the 360 version a 9/10 and the Wii version an 8/10 far from the 4 that they gave the 360/PS3 version.

  2. They probably voted Chip worst character because they don’t like new characters in Sonic to show up at all..

    Is the “purple” thing a typo? Chip isn’t purple.

  3. Sonic Unleashed was a good game, just with a couple of flaws, but because of his recent history people just nitpick at the smallest of things to make it sound like a piece of crap. Chip albeit is rather an annoying asset, but he wasn’t that bad…

  4. I see here as with many other games; reviewers and general public holding them to impossible standards. At this rate all games will eventually score 3/10’s because no one will be satisfied with the product and it’s not tailored to their specific preferences! XP
    At any rate, both versions of Unleashed were solid titles and the 360/PS3 does not deserve the flack it has gotten, nor does Sonic Team.

  5. What are they talking about? I loved Sonic Unleashed, even if mines the Wii version, and I certainly can’t see a reason to hate Chip! I think they may be crazy or smething, because they were definitelt showing a mess of over-reacting in their review!

  6. I would have to say that the use of vulgar language is a bit childish but the disappointment of the year is a fair point. Everyone was waiting for this game to return him to his former glory; it didn’t. The Sonic stages almost did though they had bad design in places, placing spikes and pits in awful places, leading to level grinding. We all know about the Werehog stages and don’t get me started on level progression and voice acting (not just Chip). Graxer, no offence but I can’t shout fanboy any louder. Oh well at least the werehog movie thing was great to watch.

    i never read reviews for any game any more because it depends what you like, obviouly many people into halo and other shooters wont be interested in sonic

  8. Sonic Unleashed, fair enough. But why is everyone bashing Need For Speed: Undercover? I’m fed up with it! It’s an awesome game!

    Apparently it’s been slated for ‘easy difficulty’…there’s nothing easy about it! It’s bloody difficult! And The Sun gave NFS:U a 93%…then listed it one of the worst games of 2008! WTF?!

    …sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. Rant over.

  9. Guys gotta be kidding me…

    You know what I’ve noticed now in days? People still stick to the past… I mean…how much they hated the 3D Sonic games and how much they think it sucked for them and blame it on Sonic Unleashed… also others who still sticks with the 2D Sonic games… what happened to this “change” you guys asked for? Oh wait…wrong concept lawlz.

    Anyways… Sonic Unleashed… I have the Wii version…. my brother has the PS3 version… They both rocked… Empire City was amazing in the PS3 version.

    Chip?! The worst character?! They must not enjoy chocolate then :/

    I hate the reviews…and the reviewers… that’s all I’m gonna say ^_^

    Wait! ONE MORE THING! Don’t listen to the reviews… this is proof that you guys gotta play the game yourselves.

  10. Honestly I figured a guy posting on the frontpage of the stadium could at least comment about a review without throwing in the usual biased review angle.

  11. I haven’t played the game yet, but will someday. I hate it when people let small unpleasant bits of the game spoil the good stuff. If I ever get even the PS2 version, I hope to remember it well for ever. My “SMB3”. Shock!

  12. Silly. Videogame magazines are just like sport mags. It’s easy to criticize something, specially when people have a general negative idea of things. It’s been scientifically proved that the recent Sonic games have their flaws, but then they just keep sticking to the same reactions. Fine, Unleashed is not perfect, but then, choosing it as the worst disappointment of 2008? Right, so they were expecting a game with the “werehog” to be what, Super Mario 64? I’m fed up of these “angry nintendo nerd” or these other reviewers who just turn on the camera and start cursing everything. It’s easy to do so, isn’t it? Attention whores.

  13. @ila: This is a blog. Congratulations for finding one. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to explain what a blog is to you, so it might be best to check Wikipedia. šŸ™‚

  14. I only played the wii version of the game. But I do agree that Sonic Unleashed is one of the best 3D Sonic games I played, but dumb enough to make a parody of.

    I didn’t mind Chip. If you can stand Navi from LoZ’s “Hey!” “Listen!” “Watch out!” than you can withstand Chip’s “What’s this?”. I’m also glad he only said 1 friendship speech instead of multiple ones.

    I laughed when Gamespot said, “You can get alot of useless info from the townsfolk”, cause just about all RPG, Action Adventures, Adventure, etc, etc games, have “Useless info from the townsfolk”.

    Reviewers stink. They make 1 simple flaw like it’s the end of the world. “OMGOG! SONIC RAMS INTO WALLS! THIS DESERVES A 1/10!”

    Sonic Unleashed is a great game with few flaws. It’s playable, the game is somewhat difficult, and you only have to get S ranks to get the medals, instead of doing crap. I give it a 8/10

  15. Guys gotta be kidding meā€¦

    You know what Iā€™ve noticed now in days? People still stick to the pastā€¦ I meanā€¦how much they hated the 3D Sonic games and how much they think it sucked for them and blame it on Sonic Unleashedā€¦ also others who still sticks with the 2D Sonic gamesā€¦ what happened to this ā€œchangeā€ you guys asked for? Oh waitā€¦wrong concept lawlz.

    Anywaysā€¦ Sonic Unleashedā€¦ I have the Wii versionā€¦. my brother has the PS3 versionā€¦ They both rockedā€¦ Empire City was amazing in the PS3 version.

    Chip?! The worst character?! They must not enjoy chocolate then :/

    I hate the reviewsā€¦and the reviewersā€¦ thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say ^_^

    Wait! ONE MORE THING! Donā€™t listen to the reviewsā€¦ this is proof that you guys gotta play the game yourselves.

    That’s a nice and clean version of what I’ say to the gaming world. They’re so childish over Sonic bashing these days its just embarassing.

  16. @ Everyone above
    This is not OPM:UK’s review for the game, that was in their last issue. This is their 2008 awards feature.

    @ ila
    As Dread stated, this is a blog not a CNN style front page and this isn’t a review so I’m not responding with a biased review angle. I’m simply stating that their giving a negative award out without explaining properly why said reward is being given. Instead their just throwing vulgar anger at the game as a whole like a spoilt child.

  17. Hey, I would be telling people to shut it over calling everybody biased, too, but then I remember that I get to say whatever I want on the front page with great liberty. To each his own.

  18. It’s a Playstation magazine. No one reads it anyways. They just hope that by insulting the Sonic series, they’ll get a subscriber.

  19. I honestly enjoyed Chip as a character. I loved his personality and his phrase “Want some chocolate?”. I wish I knew more information about why they gave the award to the game, but it’s their own opinion and why argue with it.

  20. HOLAS: ™

    OH NOES!!!!! A MAGAZINE DISLIEK UNLEASHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i don’t care -_-

    anyways, is interesting how unleashed recieved so much hate in a UK magazine knowing that UK is like “the sonic capital”… also after watching (mostly of) the fanbase actually enjoying the game (i’m too poor, even for a ps2 xD)….

  21. Can I leave multiple comments? Sweet! To all the people who are bashing videogame reviewers it must be noted that considering the large majority are giving Sonic Unleashed average scores you’re technically getting varied opinions that are leading to the same verdit; they don’t bash Sonic because they hate him they do it to inform you of a games general quality. And never trust reviews from newspapers, they can’t review games.

  22. Oh come ON! Sonic Unleashed wasn’t THAT bad. In fact, I think its a step in the right direction for the franchise.

  23. Sonic Unleashed was alright. None of the new characters, including the Werehog and Chip were good, though. Although I don’t exactly hate Chip. There’s just no place for him in Sonic’s world. There are enough Sonic characters that aren’t being used to their potential.

  24. Official PLaystation Magazine couldnt rate a non PS2/PS3/PSP exclusive even if they tried, since every time I read one of there issues, they bash nearly 90% (might be a bit over exagerated but meh) of all the 3rd party titles that are on multiple consoles

  25. also how the f**k is chip purple, hes more of a crimson colour damnit, the revewer was either colour blind or cant tell the difference between red and purple (no offense the to those who aactually are) and I thought his personality was hillerious too XD and one of my favorate parts of the game were the night levels (im probibly one of the few people who actually liked the night stages probibly) since they were a nice change from all the constant running and so on but they could get a bit too slow at times though whitch is my only real problem with them apart from the repetitivness sadly šŸ™ and just being able to use the sonic boost during the long straight streches in the game and just bashing into enemies is juat pure awsome!

  26. I agree with Graxer I love both the Wii & 360 versions to death I love them both even than I love Brawl , Mario Kart Wii & I agree with his scores for them

  27. Wow…. As if I didnt hate every reviewer and/or gaming magazine enough!… Chip is one of the best sonic characters ever and sonic unleashed is the greatest freakin game ever made!

  28. well, i didn’t play this game as i don’t have a console but when i read the interview of the staffs created this game, i agree this is game that i hope to see it back as sonic is speedy and indestructible. i loved the night time scene when sonic is a werehedgehog, it reminds me about kingdom hearts when i can bash my enemies all i want. this game is trying to integrate people to love something else than just a speedy forward 2D game. i think that is a good try and i agree this game is the better of the lot, better that sonic and the black knight to me!

  29. notice a pattern here. Playstation and XBOX are no good. Sonic Heroes was great on GameCube, but it was unplayable on PS2 and XBOX. Same thing with Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders. Sonic ’06 for PS3 and XBOX 360 was a disaster, where as secret Rings on Wii was awesome. Olympic games and Brawl were both awesome too, both exclusive to Wii and starring Sonic. Unleashed was great on Wii, but all the Reviews say the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions stink. Anyone else sensing the pattern here? Sonic is not bad. Sonic is still great. It is Playstation and XBOX that are bad and they are dragging the poor Hedgehog down with them. Nintendo is the best, That’s where Sonic belongs. Sega should forget Playstation and XBOX, because those systems are bad.

  30. I reckon they’re saying that Chip is a bad character just to use as an excuse to bash sidekicks, he’s hardly anywhere near annoying, we’ll maybe abit, but I can name a whole list of sidekicks who are worse *COUGH*Omochao*COUGH*HEY!LISTEN!*COUGH*.

    Seriously, Chip is like the kid-friendly version of Daxter.

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