We have had a limited availability of these special SEGA Vintage T-Shirts in the UK, but before we were able to grab them (assumedly via online only), this much sought-after range of clothing was available for a long time in Japan. Well, if by a long time you mean a week or so, before the lot was sold out.
Artist and general Australian bloke Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong took a trip to the land of the rising sun back in March to see the sights and invest in a little Virtua Fighter with his homies, and managed to stumble across these magnificent T-Shirts – this is, incidentally, how we got to know about the UNIQLO SEGA range and, because we told you, how you all got to know about them.
The original Japanese range had a few more designs that we weren’t privy to, but at least we managed to get some eh? As well as the blue Sonic CG and the black/blue Sonic face tees, you could buy a white shirt with the Sonic logo emblazoned on the front. Being the conservative spender he is in foreign countries, Elson decided not to buy any for ‘review purposes’ (i.e. get us one). I dunno, only a team player when he wants to be, eh?
Below are more images of the groovy shop, including store fronts and shiny silver T-Shirt pod booths with those little electroniccy panels that look all snazzy.