Where is TSS’ content?

Where is TSS’ content?

There there, don’t cry little chap. You’re probably not used to TSS changing into something ultra-mega-awesome. Either that, or you’re just wondering where the hell all our old content is. Although we’ve touched base on this before, I’m going to say that all the old content areas will be back very shortly. Takes some adjusting when you radically move from a 20%-complete bespoke system to a brand new blog-esque script.

Because of the change, certain pages will have to re-imagined or even re-written. We’re going to be doing this in particular to the Games Archive – the scans and stuff will still be there, don’t worry, but it will be a bit more informative and stuff. This area (the bloggy type bit) will be where you get your news and features on the games, and the Game Archive pages will be the place you go for the more in-depth information. We’ll be reworking these on a game-by-game basis. As I’m rather enjoying going through Rush Adventure again, that may be my first port of call. Who knows though.

In any road, you can expect the Downloads section back within the next few days. Don’t count on me doing anything though until Wednesday because it’s my birthday on Monday (drunken brouhaha weekend for the win). So basically, don’t worry. This blog thing won’t be the only thing to TSS, promise.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.