The Day We Played Sonic Chronicles

The Day We Played Sonic Chronicles

The Sonic Stadium was invited to a special Community Day yesterday in London to have a sneak preview of Sonic Chronicles. Today we’re going to spend some time showing you just what happens when a bunch of oddball Sonic fans get together, as well as what we thought about the upcoming BioWare RPG. AAUK, the SEGA rep who was hosting the shindig, also let us have a quick go on Samba de Amigo for the Wii. And then afterwards, we all went to the pub. Just like Brits do. It’s our thing.

B’man, myself (in the black Sonic shirt there) and Sonic_Freak/Shadzter came representing TSS, while the usual suspects T-Bird, Roareye Black (SSN), Lewis (Sonic Yoda), Vger (Emerald Coast), Fastfeet (Media), Urtheart (SSN), Mike Taylor (Sonic Cage Dome), SegaMark (RadioSega), Dan Dyer (Fastfeet Media) and Diogo all turned up to see the game in action too. Violet was late and missed the whole thing, but she did have a drink with us later, so all was well.

Roareye will be writing about the Community Day itself, while Shadzter will be telling you all how Samba Wii is shaping up. Expect the Sonic fan’s definitive preview of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood later today as well, along with other videos and odd bits and bobs we might slap up here for the hell of it. Keep coming back to The Sonic Stadium for the latest! Or subscribe to our feed if you’re a lazy git.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.