You may remember in February Sonic News reported that the company ‘First4Figures’ were producing three unique Sonic related statues. Today, all three figures are available for pre-order over the well known ‘Play-Asia’ import website along with a brand new 12″ Sonic statue.
12 inches in height, the Classic themed Sonic the Hedgehog statue sports one of Sonic’s classic poses from the 1990’s along with a classy Green Hill themed base.
The statue is released in the fourth quarter of 2008, later than the other three statues. The current pre-order price is a hefty £50 ($99), however this sort of price is not uncommon for a statue of this size and quality. The smaller 4-5″ statues retail at a cheaper £6.50 ($12.90) each.
Thanks to SSMB’s very own CeeCee for the heads up over in the thread she created earlier today!