The British retro gaming publication aptly titled Retro Gamer has run a Sonic the Hedgehog Anniversary feature in its June Issue 26 edition. The magazine offers very little content that isn’t already readily available over the internet, however the feature does span a whopping 14 pages (ironically 15 if you count the cover), offering Sonics largest dedicated magazine feature since his golden 16 bit era, an interview (and exploration of his gaming career) with a rather reserved Yuji Naka, and finally a competition to with a Sonic related prize.
Front Cover | Read a Page

The competition involves scanning the pages of Retro Gamer in order to track down 15 hidden Sonic sprites (one for each of Sonic’s 15 years. Once you have fond and note the pages in which the sprites were located you can contact Retro Gamer to stand a chance of winning a prize. Fortunately we at SN have taken the incentive to record the location of these hidden sprites, which are as follows:
1) Page 15
2) Page 16
3) Page 19
4) Page 24
5) Page 40
6) Page 45
7) Page 53
8) Page 61
9) Page 68
10) Page 71
11) Page 77
12) Page 84
13) Page 87
14) Page 95
15) Page 112
Retro Gamer Issue 26 is still on sale, priced £4.99. We recommend all Sonic and SEGA fanatics leg it to their WH Smiths or other place of tobacconists cleverly disguised as magazine sellers and part with a fiver. Without a proper SEGA face for Sonic’s 15th, spending a fiver in the name of a physical celebration isn’t really much to ask.