E3 2006: Exclusive Coverage

E3 2006: Exclusive Coverage

Few things in life are as pant-wettingly exciting as the annual Electronics Entertainment Expo (otherwise known as E3) in Los Angeles. Maybe chocolate digestives. They’re pretty damn funky, yo. But when TSS was given the opportunity to go right into the belly of the biggest video gaming event of the year, it was time to drop our biscuits and send out the troops. Our US dude, Newton DePaoli, is our Master Chief Spartan for this particular mission, and his task: to relay all footage and images from the latest triple threat of Sonic games, ask SEGA nicely for special stuff (yet AVOID their evil killing glares) and play, play play. Man… why didn’t I give myself that bloody job?

As the event unfolds, you will see first playtests of SONIC the Hedgehog, Sonic Rivals and a special behind-closed-doors playtest of Sonic Wild Fire. We will also be farming you with the latest snapshots and video footage of games and the SEGA show floor itself. Not only that, but our trooper Newton will be on hand to give his account of just how mental the E3 show is. Not a lot of us have gone you know, so it’s good to know that it’s just simply insane in there. Keep coming back to this page every day to catch the latest information! As Arnold Swarzenegger would say, “Do It!”.

Latest E3 Information:

[ 12/May/06; 18:10 ] Sonic Rivals – Playtest
We road test the upcoming PSP racing game from Takashi Iizuka.

[ 12/May/06; 17:10 ] Sonic Wild Fire – Playtest
The new Wii version of Sonic the Hedgehog uses tilt control!

[ 11/May/06; 03:05 ] SONIC the Hedgehog – Playtest
We demo Kingdom Valley as Sonic and Crisis City as newbie Silver the Hedgehog.

Show Floor Images Archive:

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.