Super Sonic Scansday

Super Sonic Scansday

Yeah, about time eh? >P Sorry about the wait in update, naturally as things get rolling during the kickback into Real Life™ education, things will naturally be a touch slower. Seeings as there’s not much talk on Sonic as it is at the moment anyway, what a good time to actually do what many other places aren’t and update. 😀 Super Sonic Scansday’s not forgotten, in fact, it’s just begun. A period of about a week or so of me adding loads of scannable materials. Yumyum!

And today’s sampling of 45 (!) new scans is too good to pass up, ne? Magazine Articles, old and new, abound! Keep an eye on that ‘Latest Updates’ header to see what new scans have popped up during the course of the week! And the TSS competition – make sure you enter and do your funky stuff QUICK, because the competition’s going to close soon. Although I may push it back for yous guys getting stuff together. You wanna win the Sonic X OST don’t you? Or the Sonic Underground boxset? Or do you just want me to keep them? Well ENTER then, buffoons!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.