Chaos Con 2004 – Fan Works Convention

Chaos Con 2004 – Fan Works Convention

2004 looks set to be big in terms of online events. We have the sure-fire hit, Sonic Site Awards this year, we also have the Sonic Comic Convention, held by SonicVerse Team, SAGE 9 will hit in September, and you also have this newcoming event, the ‘Chaos Con’. New fansite Prower Power has wasted no time in being a hit with the Tails fans out there, and its Chaos Con is an online convention for all aspects of Sonic works. A bit like TSS’ Sonic Fan Club, only as a convention to make the whole thing a bit more special, perhaps. Over the next few days we will review the different sections – there currently stands “Fan Art”, “Fan Fiction” and “Fan Games” – and all the candidates within them. Here’s to a successful Chaos Con run this year, and a good future for the event!

= 21st June: Fan Art Sector =

Although it’s very hard to review or criticise artwork for what it is, we present a list of the artists that feature in the Chaos Con, and we mention our favourite works within each of them.

  • Sonic: Drive
  • – By SonicFanatic

    When we checked, there was merely a link to SonicFanatic’s DeviantArt, so we shall just look through this. The artwork consists of mainly fan character work – a character called Naomi the Mouse, that is very well drawn indeed – A Sonic Team style shading of Naomi is presented very well – The drawing that catches our eye the most however is the Sonic X art image of Sonic pulling his eye down. The style of art here is quite different indeed, and much of the other artwork is to be commended. Good job sir.

  • Zebby’s Artwork Hangout
  • – By Zebby Zebra

    Despite being new to the ‘net, Zebby has gotten the grasp of arting her favourite characters, and being a SonAmy (read: Sonic & Amy… ‘together’. Not like THAT, pervs, in a relationship. Geez…) fan, many works involve Amy and SonicXAmy. The ‘Amy at 17’ artwork is very cute, and our favourite may lie with the Team Rose picture. Big looks so vacant… so perfect… 😀

  • The Darkness Inside
  • – By Trigger Happy Rose

    We’re big fans of sketch drawings. And Chibi. Gotta love the chibi-ness. Although there are only three art pieces in this booth, Trigger Happy Rose is certainly more than competent at the ol’ pen and paper business. The “Chibi Group Photo” reminds us a lot of our Japanese friend Aoi’s work, but what made us go “Wow” was the “Glare” picture, of Shadow standing there all smug with himself. One of our favourite pictures.

  • Havoc Studio’s Pad
  • – By Daikonran the Blackice kitsune

    Havoc Studio’s Art selection for Chaos Con was not available when we went to write-up. When it becomes available, we will add what our favourite bits and art is in this booth in the near future.

  • Café Walnut
  • – By Chibi Yoshi

    A vast selection of art from Chibi Yoshi, past and present. The pencil colouring works great with the pictures, and some art pieces are rather comedic and quite funny. There’s a thanksgiving funny involving Shadow and Sonic and some Yu-Gi-Oh characters (from what we gather), and since we couldn’t give two rat’s arses about the direness that is Yu-Gi-Oh, our favourite sketch goes to the rather cool Chaos and Eggman picture (“I gave you a baby, now gimme emeralds”) – but our favourite coloured picture must be the ‘Shadow of the Hedgehog’ piece with a rather wicked Shadow cast on the wall in the figure of a familiar character. Good show.

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    Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.