Sonic Scansday Returns!

Sonic Scansday Returns!

You may remember we used to have a regular feature called ‘Sonic Scansday’. It happened every Wednesday, where I would offer a special update devoted to scans. Well, now TSS is back, it’s time to beckon Scansdays again.

For now, Sonic Scansday will only happen on certain Wednesdays instead of every week, because of the amount I have to scan, and the fact that the whole thing may last a few months only. But, here’s today’s offering:

  • New Phantasy Star Online scan, of SEGA registering a star and naming it ‘Ragol’. Cute, no?
  • Fleetway Issue 7 and Issue 98 have been added. While I’m on the subject, check out the Comics section. Go on. You can read some Archies and fully scanned Fleetways and whatever. ^_^ Scans of these issues are from JDogg and ZSaiyanHajimeZ respectively. Sorry it took so long, guys =)
  • Archie Issue 111 Cover, donated by “Tails the Echidna“.

To help keep a healthy weekly dose of ‘Sonic Scansday’ updates, we need your help. If you have any old magazines, gaming or otherwise, with a Sonic article in it, be sure to scan and send them in. If you have an Archie or Fleetway issue not scanned on TSS, you can send them in to be placed here. Any Game Reviews in old magazines, magazine adverts, promotional photos and flyers, Sonic book covers and information – anything you can scan with Sonic bunged on it are perfect for Sonic Scansday: the more interesting the better!

Send it over to me, and hopefully we can have a continuous offering of Sonic Scansday for everyone. TSS – the Sonic site by you, the fans! 🙂

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.