Sonic Spinball Coming to GBA via New Sega Smash Pack

The 16-Bit pinball-platformer mashup, Sonic Spinball, is heading to Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance, according to a press release announcing a new version of SEGA’s Smash Pack compilation made specially for the handheld system.

Spinball, which saw players lead Sonic through four pinball table-like stages to reach Dr Robotnik’s evil volcano lair, will be one of three games included in the new Smash Pack that originally released on Sega Mega Drive in the 1990s. Golden Axe and Ecco the Dolphin will be the other two games crammed into the GBA cart, which will be published in the West by THQ.

With the Game Boy Advance featuring SNES-like power within its tiny body, it makes sense for some of SEGA’s best Mega Drive titles to hit the system. Although with the small screen and button layout, it will be interesting to see if anything changes in the gameplay or graphics department with these re-releases. We’ll share whatever we can get, once we get them.

Source: IGNPocket

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.