Ask Ken Penders What He Should Bring to San Diego Comic Con

Archie Sonic comic artist and writer Ken Penders will be going to San Diego Comic Con this year. And the Sonic #100 cover will be available for sale for the first time, as will the cover of Sonic #98 and the unused cover for Sonic #99. So if you fancy collecting some art and getting some stuff signed, come on down!

Full quote from his update below.

As I’ll be heading out to the west coast on Saturday, this week will be the last chance for anyone to make any special requests before I head out, specifically in the matter of any back issues or artwork they’d like me to bring for purchase. Some items of note: As I’ll be heading out to the west coast on Saturday, this week will be the last chance for anyone to make any special requests before I head out, specifically in the matter of any back issues or artwork they’d like me to bring for purchase. Some items of note:

$25 gets you a nice full body drawing of any character — whether it’s Sonic or Captain Kirk or Batman. If you want something more complex than that, it’s negotiable.

The cover for SONIC #100 will be made available for sale for the first time at San Diego. Basically, it will be sold by auction, with a starting price of $500, and the winner can walk away with the cover on Sunday. We will also be putting up the cover on EBAY, so that people who can’t get to San Diego can have a fair shot at it as well. Payment must be made in full before taking possession of this piece of work.

The cover of SONIC #98 will also be made available as well. The asking price for this piece is $250.

Patrick is also releasing the unused cover to SONIC #99, featuring Sonic and Kodos. This is a beautiful piece of work despite being unfinished. (Patrick was more than halfway through with the drawing when he received a call stating that a new cover was needed.) As far as I’m aware, there is maybe one — at most two — other unused covers, so it’s not like this happens all the time. This has also yet to be inked, so your getting Spaz in his most purist form. This piece will probably go for $150.

I also have a number of pages and covers I have yet to upload to the online store that will be made available for the first time in San Diego.

I’ll be bringing some of my pages as well, including a sneak peak at SONIC #100.

So as I said, if anyone has any questions, ask now ’cause tomorrow it may be too late.

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