Masato Nakamura, the mastermind behind the original Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 soundtracks and member of the popular Japanese super-band DREAMS COME TRUE will be producing a commemorative CD soundtrack to be released over the summer.
Not only will the soundtrack contain songs taken from the first two Sonic the Hedgehog titles for the SEGA Megadrive/Genesis, it will also include a reprint of the original sound demo tapes from both games, along with other bonus tracks yet to be announced.
This will surely be a must-have item for every fan amongst the community, let alone videogame music connoisseurs. Similar to the Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes re-release soundtracks, this CD album looks set to only be available to Japan.
Sonic Stadium will keep you up to date as we learn more about this fantastic compilation!
Original story taken from Japanese Famitsu Webpage
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In an interview with ThisIsMyJoystick.com, Yuji Naka has revealed that the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise was created with environmental themes based around the impact mankind is having on the world, but says he couldn’t speak about it back in 1991 because it was a touchy subject at the time. Continue reading Naka: Sonic Created With Environmental Themes
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SEGA very quietly slipped in a port of the original Mega Drive Sonic the Hedgehog onto the Apple iTunes store yesterday, with the iPhone platform now being the latest in a long line of formats that can play the classic game.
An official blog today confirms the existence of the title, which you can now pick up for your iPhone for $4.99 $5.99, or £3.49 to the British fans out there. Control is made using touch screen ‘buttons’ that appear on the bottom of the playing screen – the D-Pad is located at the bottom left and the only button (A) on the bottom right. Two screen modes allow you to play the action full-screen with semi-transparent buttons, or in a smaller window with a visible START button.
The graphics appear to be intact, and the blog mentions how faithful and fun to play it is (but of course, they would say that really). Have you bought it already and played it? What do you think of it? Does another Sonic 1 port tickle your fancy or is it starting to wind you up? Let us know in the comments box!
UPDATE: According to our American friends, the price on the iTunes store looks to be $5.99 instead of the $4.99 SEGA’s blog announced. That would bring the £-$ difference a little closer (£3.49 equates to about $5.55 as of this moment), but it’s curious why the wrong price was mentioned. Most likely just a mistake on the community blog’s part.
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European ratings board PEGI have rated the Xbox Original title Sonic Mega Collection Plus for Xbox Live Arcade. We can only assume they mean the ‘Originals’ section of the Marketplace, and not the Live Arcade itself. For those who don’t know, SMC+ is an Xbox re-release of a Gamecube Sonic compilation, with added Game Gear titles as well as a few hidden non-Sonic titles.
PEGI have rated the game 7+, which is odd because they rated the original Xbox version 12+, so could we see some cuts in this port? Another thing that’s odd about this is that the original Xbox version is backwards compatible with the Xbox 360 anyway, the Mega Drive games will soon be released in SEGA’s newest compilation (SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection) and two of those Mega Drive titles are already on the Xbox Live Arcade.
Oh well, if it’s going cheap and people can’t find the original Xbox game and want some added Game Gear action, this will be a good buy for them.
Source: PEGI
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Making regular appearances at the top of many “top downloaded” and “top rated” charts for mobile games, the mobile edition of the original “Sonic the Hedgehog” just recently became more distinguished for selling over 8 million downloads in the United States and the United Kingdom. Linda Chaplin, vice president of SEGA Mobile accredits the game’s success to Sonic’s appeal to the masses by stating, “Sonic the Hedgehog is a title that resonates with a universal audience of gamers who have grown up with the franchise, as well as with a growing audience of casual players.”
Verizon Wireless, the initial provider of the title, is probably the most pleased with the landmark sale, as the game has helped Verizon’s “VCAST” service become increasingly popular, says Todd Murphy, director of Mobile Web, games and applications for Verizon.
The success of, yet another, port of Sonic’s original adventure has sparked SEGA Mobile to port Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Sonic Spinball to mobile devices. In addition, the company is working on a new iteration of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games for phones.
In made-up news that will eventually happen, SEGA has tentatively announced porting each Sonic Genesis title to the iPhone, Playstation 4’s online store, and the brace keeping my left knee from caving again. Also, potatoes.
Sonic the Hedgehog Mobile Site
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SEGA announced this morning that the original ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ title will be once again ported to a newer gaming system MP3 player.
Released in the iTunes store for $4.99, the 1991 classic will see Sonic speeding round loops and collecting up rings through 6 exciting zones in hope to put an end to the evil Dr. Robotniks schemes.
The game has apparently been ‘redesigned’ for the iPod, though still remains an exact port of the original game. There’s no news of a definite release date, apart from that it will hit American iTune stores ‘just in time for the holidays.’
You can read up on the announcement here.
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Well, I just got done seeing the big E3 press conference from MS, and I’ve got some interesting news for 360 Sonic fans: Sonic the Hedgehog is now on Xbox Live Arcade! Go download. Now.
Well, that is, if you don’t already have the game on five other platforms…in which case, you can resind that command and just go play it on your Genesis/Megadrive, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Wii, or whatever platform you got this sucker on.
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It was revealed some months ago that Genesis/Mega Drive games would be available via the Nintendo Wii’s Virtual console service. The titles are as follows:
Altered Beast
Ecco the Dolphin
Golden Axe
Sonic the Hedgehog
Toe Jam & Earl
These titles where revealed courtesy of ESRB’s website. Considering the ESRB doesn’t officially list games unless it has reviewed them, this list is 100% factual.
Anyone up for some Ristar?
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A development has come to light over the recent charity of Chris Senn on Sonic X-treme. Chris, with the aid of Yasuhara Hirokazu, will be unearthing production information on the original ‘SONIC TEAM’ and Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis/Megadrive) game.
Chris posted this message on his message board on January 06, 2006 04:00 PM PT (US):
The Sonic Xtreme fan community will be delighted to know that I met with Yasuhara Hirokazu for lunch today, and he agreed to let me share his paper designs he contributed towards the end of the Sonic Xtreme project. They are VERY cool! These will be shared in the Sonic Xtreme Compendium (SXC) I keep mentioning. Continue reading Senn and Yasuhara to explore Sonic 1
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Sega of Japan conducted an interview with Masato Nakamura of the Japanese band: ‘Dreams Come True’. Dreams Come True has been a popular band in Japan for some time now, their second album: ‘The Swinging Star’ (released November 14, 1992) was the first to sell over 3 million copies in Japan.
But even before Dreams Come True’s success one company realised the bands potential, and that company was Sega. Sega employed Masato Nakamura to compose the music for ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ and then again for ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 2’. In return SEGA offered sponsorship to Dreams Come True, and Sega began promoting Sonic through them.
Sega of America have translated that interview, and it gives an interesting insight to the development of the games soundtrack. It’s interesting to note that while Masato was composing music for both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, he was also recording the Dreams Come True albums: ‘Million Kisses’ and ‘The swinging Star’, which would explain why certain songs from each album were inspired by themes from the game. For instance the song ‘Sweet Sweet Sweet’ from the album ‘The Swinging Star’ is a lyrical interpretation of the ending theme from Sonic 2.
The interview is as follows: Continue reading Sega interviews Masato Nakamura
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Now, for the news that everyone else didn’t seem to cover, the 1991 blockbuster Sonic the Hedgehog will be re-released again later this year in worldwide. In a press release that surfaced earlier today Sega announced their plans to include a port of the legendary MegaDrive/Genesis Sonic the Hedgehog sans the Special Stages with upcoming Panasonic phones.
The game will be embedded with the new Panasonic VS3, slated for release across Europe in this summer. It will later be bundled with Panasonic Mobile Communications’ latest GSM mobile phones. In Japan, the mobile version of Sonic The Hedgehog will be embedded with Panasonic Mobile Communications’ mobile phones for NTT DoCoMo.
Once again, SONIC NEWS brings you the news that slipped through the cracks, stay with us for any late breaking E3 updates.
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ELSPA has done a unique poll to find out the most popular game of the last 30 years, and Sonic The Hedgehog has come out as the most popular, click here for their page or read below for their article and game list.
ELSPA, the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association, and ComputerAndVideogames.com, the UK’s leading multi-format video games website, today published the results of a unique poll seeking to find the most popular 30 games of the last 30 years.
The top five games voted most popular by the public are: Sonic the Hedgehog, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pac-Man, Tomb Raider and Space Invaders.
Yuji Naka, creator of Sonic the Hedgehog, SonicTeam/SEGA, commented: “I am delighted and extremely honoured that Sonic the Hedghog has been chosen as the most popular game over the last 30 years, especially against such strong competition. Sonic and I would dearly like to thank the wonderful game lovers that have voted for us. I hope to keep creating games that will be loved by everyone forever.”
Roger Bennett, director general of ELSPA, said: “We wanted to find out what the people who play video games consider to be the best games of the last 30 years. Not the ones you think are great intellectually but the ones that have touched your heart and made your stomach churn as you battled for supremacy or raced to the winning line.”
Johnny Minkley, editor of ComputerAndVideogames.com, added: “Together with ELSPA, we wanted to learn which games sum up the essence of video gaming for our million plus website visitors? Which games made them throw their controllers at the telly in frustration but to which they returned time and again?”
The top 30 games of the last 30 years, as voted for by the readers of ComputerAndVideogames.com are:
01 1991 Sonic the Hedgehog
02 1998 The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
03 1983 Pac-Man
04 1996 Tomb Raider (Lara Croft)
05 1980 Space Invaders
06 1997 Final Fantasy VII
07 1985 Elite
08 1985 Super Mario
09 1998 Half-Life
10 2002 GTA: Vice City
11 1993 Doom
12 1987 Tetris
13 2001 Halo
14 1997 Goldeneye
15 2001 Grand Theft Auto III
16 1999 Final Fantasy VI
17 1992 Super Mario Kart
18 1990 Super Mario World
19 1998 Metal Gear Solid
20 1996 Resident Evil
21 1988 Street Fighter
22 2001 Gran Tourismo 3
23 1992 Championship Manager
24 2000 The Sims
25 1996 Quake
26 2000 Shenmue
27 1990 Lemmings
28 1997 Manic Miner
29 1999 Medal of Honor
30 1981 Asteroids
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You will soon be able to play classic SEGA games on the popular RealPlayer service on PC. An agreement has been signed with RealNetworks to provide official versions of four games via the new RealOne Arcade application. SEGA will have its own specific ‘Sega Channel’ on the service. Sonic 1 is included in the initial lineup, with more Sonic games to come.
Continue reading Sonic Games to Hit RealOne Arcade Player
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Sonic Team has announced the official list of games that we can expect to find on Sonic Mega Collection. And if you were expecting a lot of Sega Mega Drive titles, well… you’d be right! Continue reading Here’s the Official Sonic Mega Collection Game List
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This walkthrough will tell all about the hazards in each act of every zone and will help you find the best way of tackling the levels. At the end of every zone there is a boss stage, in which you will have to find out a pattern in order to defeat it. In this guide you will also be able to find out what each bosses weaknesses are, and the best way to attack. It doesn’t matter if you have either the Mega Drive or Genesis version – they’re both the same console, and both the same game. Alrighty, let’s get started. Continue reading Zone Guides: Sonic the Hedgehog (16-Bit)
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A new discovery within the Sonic community has unearthed new concept art for the original Sonic the Hedgehog game on Mega Drive that features the blue blur in a band, along with a host of new characters that would have predated Miles ‘Tails’ Prower as the hero’s sidekicks. Continue reading Sonic 1 Concept Art Reveals ‘Sonic the Hedgehog Band’
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Remember the good old days, when you could use a third party cheat cartridge to expand the limits of what you could do in your favourite Mega Drive games? We do! Which is why we’ve updated the Games Back Catalogue on The Sonic Stadium with a range of codes that you can use on Game Genie carts to play around with some classic Sonic titles.
Continue reading Games Update: Classic Cheat Codes for Your Mega Drive Games
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The Mega Drive lives on! In Japan and Asia at the very least – word on the street is that a new handheld device will be made available that comes pre-loaded with over twenty 16-Bit games. It’s called the ‘Mega Drive 21’ and will be on store shelves April 27. Continue reading ‘Mega Drive 21’ Handheld Console to Launch in Japan
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Nostalgia fans will be happy to hear that Sega is planning to tap into their love of retro gaming with a Mega Drive compilation pack on Dreamcast. It’s called the ‘Sega Smash Pack’, and will come bundled with brand new Dreamcast consoles in the US very soon. The GD-ROM will feature Sega Swirl and Virtua Cop 2, alongside ten Mega Drive titles listed below. Continue reading Mega Drive Compilation Heading to Dreamcast, Features Sonic the Hedgehog
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OK then. I’m not going into great depth with this one, but basically Sonic and Knuckles, when linked with Sonic 1, gets you this monstrous mini-game thing. You can play as either Sonic or Knuckles, through literally millions of Sonic 3 Special Stages. Sounds fun eh? Continue reading TSS REVIEW: Sonic 1 & Knuckles (Blue Sphere)
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This was Sonic’s first appearance on the Sega Mega Drive, or the Genesis as our friends in America like to call it. The aim of the game is simple – Dr. ‘Eggman’ Robotnik plans to threaten all of Mobius with his mechanic monsters, which are powered by cute furry animals. Continue reading TSS REVIEW: Sonic the Hedgehog
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