It may have taken four years, but all of Sonic Boom will soon be available to own on physical media.
A pair of Amazon listings now have Sonic Boom Season 2 available to pre-order on blu ray for $34.99, and Sonic Boom Season 2 Volume 2 available to pre-order on DVD for $14.99. Both sets will be coming September 21.
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Get your favourite breakfast cereal ready, because Sonic Boom Season 2 arrives on Hulu in America this Sunday! No more SD video off of Boomerang. No more scouring Youtube for clips because like a good chunk of Americans, you don’t HAVE Boomerang! Instead, you get Sonic Boom Season 2 in glorious HD the way it was meant to be seen. All 52 episodes will be available along with season 1 to give you a whopping 104 episodes of hilarious Sonic silliness!
There’s currently no word on season 2 streaming availability in other countries (especially the UK which hasn’t even aired any of season 2 yet). We will keep you up to date if anything else is announced in the future.
Source: Hulu (Twitter)
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The January 2017 issue of Toy World Magazine contains two interesting bits of Sonic related news, first we have an article which not only comments on Sonic Mania and Project 2016, but also that Sega apparently have a roadmap for Sonic games for the next few years, suggesting that plans for 2018 and even 2019 are already on the drawing board (though honestly that’s not really too surprising). Continue reading ToyWorld: “Solid Roadmap of Sonic Games for Next Few Years”
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