One of the UK’s most respected online gaming publications, EuroGamer, has had some time with the upcoming sequel, and have left some very positive impressions in a new preview, which you can read here. EuroGamer seems to believe that Sonic 4 is capturing the spirit of the classic games rather well. Thoughts?

EuroGamer’s Sonic 4 preview, “a little part of me has fallen in love with him all over again.”
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SWEET Thanks sonicstadium!
Hey guys! still need reasons to buy it?;) Sonic the Hedgehog is Back!
(And Metal Sonic, Super Sonic…)
Grahhh the cycle is broken!!
Fans saw the entire game and many are still positive EVEN THE REVIEWERS!?
He’s back for sure. =D
My thoughts? Bit of a stretch to claim EuroGamer is respected.
This ain’t the first time i write this BUT… Let the whining begin once again how much the 3D Sonic games sucks! Thats the only reason i am tired of Sonic the Hedgehog 4… Many nostalgigic fans claims that ALL the new 3D Sonic games sucks and how much they “miss” the old Sonic. Sonic Heroes and Sonic Unleashed are 2 of the most sold Sonic games, even tho it had bad ratings. I’m so tired of the old school fans bashing the newer generation of Sonic fans. .___.
Theres a thousand things I could say about this game.
I think I’ll just simply say:
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has given me the hope that I haven’t gotten from a Sonic game in a long, long time. It makes me happy just thinking about it.
It was announced a day after my birthday. The greatest birthday present ever.
I think it’s okey to release a game like this. I love the older Sonic games, especially Sonic the Hedgehog 2. But it’s not okey for the older fans to bash the newer generations of fans just because there older, i mean. The older fans were kids when they became fans of Sonic, right? (Maybe not all, but most of em.)
This guy is obviously playing a totally different game.
I feel a great disturbance in the fandom; as if a million fanboys suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
@ Kits’Okami:
Nope, it’s Sonic 4.
Get excited =P
Seems great so far.
I just can’t wait to play it. :3
I’m excited. They really can’t mess it up too bad. It’s 2D Sonic! The only bad 2D Sonic game in existence is Sonic Blast. So whether it’s a true Sonic 4, or so-called Advance 4 or Rush 3 (which I disagree with), I’m happy this game is being released. And a Sonic game getting good reviews is just such a happy thought. I like seeing all of these previews from the different sites.
HAs anyone noticed that nintendo just brought out new super mario bros for wii,,
Sonic4 is kind of like it but with better characters, better music, (hopefully sonic speaks and if tails does lets get a MAN to do his voice) and well I um I IT’S JUST BETTER THAN MARIO
I give it 10 out of 5 stars
Hopefully they’ll realise that they have made a big mistake and put it onto disc XD
Have you even played New Super Mario Bros Wii? It’s amazing. And you have yet to play the game, so you don’t know if it’s better or not.
Anyway, it’s good to see reviewers giving the game some positive feedback, I’m excited to see how this turns out. From some of the leaked Mad Gear gameplay I saw on the JewTewbs, it looks very promising(though I’ve noticed that Sonic builds up speed rather quickly…).
All I can say I could care less if this game plays like the advance rush or classics, personally I’m not going to expect perfection out of it because well even the classics had their flaws I mean nothing is perfect and to say the classics were perfect is a blatant lie. Anyways I have enjoyed the newer Sonic games (yes even the 3D ones. Got a problem with that? Well all I can say is I have as much right to like them as nany of the fans who hate them do liking Sonic’s modern games isn’t a crime punishable by law or religion or anything I mean if I like it I should have all right to enjoy the thing and I hate how people say that it’s people like Me who are runing the franchise simply because we enjoyed a game that the majority of the fanbase hates I mean it’s like saying we can’t do stuff we find fun) and I enjoy the classics as well.
I’m in the minority of fans who enjoy Sonic’s games from both eras (minus Black Knight Sonic Advance 1 the Riders series and 06 (mostly because thats on PS3 and Xbox and never saw a port for the Wii) so if I can enjoy Sonic’s modern and classic adventures I’ll probably like this one as well.
Besides all I’m expecting out of Sonic 4 is a fun 2D Sonic experience., I’m just expecting a fun 2D Sonic game and nothing more I could care less if it plays like advance rush or the classics. Because what really matters is if I have fun playing it. And besides I see no problem if it plays like Advance or Rush I mean aren’t those two games considered by fans to be the better of the modern Sonic games.
Still I won’t expect this game to be perfect like so many people are wanting it to be. I’m just hoping to have a good time besides I’ve been able to overlook a ton of flaws with the newer Sonic games and just have fun with them only reason I can’t continue in Sonic Unleashed is because I’m at Eggmanland and am having a hard time with the daytime stage but then again it’s the last normal level so it’s expected to be tough. Anyways I’m looking forward to Sonic 4 and despite the leaks I saw I’m ok with a lot of the stuff I saw. Besides *and spoilers for those of you who don’t want to know the final boss in this game* I actually like the remade Sonic 2 final boss since I only ever had trouble with him as a little kid. These days he’s so easy it’s pathetic so it will be nice to have him be challenging again like he was when I was about 6, 7, or 8 years old even if only slightly and I think it’s fair you get rings when fighting him otherwise it would be another case of Knuckles in Sonic 2 facing the final boss being a really unfair fight.
Oh yeah the list of modern Sonic games I had their it’s not that I hate them it’s I can’t judge them because I haven’t played them.
Star Wars reference FTW!
Now, now, let’s not count our chickens before they hatch. (Although, I honestly feel the same way right now too!)
I can’t wait until this game comes out… I’ll be counting the days when they set the release date…
These guys obviously have not seen a lot of levels from 1 and 2
…Or maybe they have, and they’ve seen more levels from Sonic 4 than we have?
@Kits’Okami Can you just leave this fandom altogether? Seriously?
Yay great news! Even though I like some of the 3D games, note, not ALL, it’s good to see this game getting a good review from the majority of biased reviewers.
dont forget people sega still plans to make future 3D games. cause for one i love thier music.
If Sega does start back up on 3D games soon, I think they should start back up with a 3rd sequel to Sonic Adventure. But that might just be a little to bit far-fetched for an idea right now
@ matt
well considering I’ve seen every stage from the leaks it’s pretty safe to say that there IS nothing new or exciting about this game
@ Matt
He said that they only saw splash hill and some of us saw the entire game already.
@ Dakota:
If Sonic 4 delivers, this is highly possible.
Well it certainly is encouraging but a preview copy is not the real thing so judgement should be reserved for the finished project before we start dancing on how tables like retarded Sega monkeys.
Looks great, sounds alright, the controls? we’ll have to wait and see.. length of the episode.. wait and see…
I don’t understand why they’re waiting for summer to release it, it’s obviously done .. right? 🙁
WOOHOO, no more bad loading times.
[quote]Restart times are near instantaneous, so you can restart immediately, if you went on a less effecient route[/quote]
Not the exact quote, but you get the idea.
I, like an idiot, have seen almost every video leak for every zone and act (except). The ending cliffhanger for episode 2 isnt even gonna be a surprise to me anymore (but I still like it). This game is obviously done, MAYBE with a few minor bugs to fix. So why in the hell is SEGA waiting til this summer to release it??? They dont even have to copy it onto a disc. All they have to do is put it in the online store. Why do i have to wait this long for it?? I WANT IT NOW.
forget the “(except)” part.
lol, because games can be played through long before they are done. Work is still being done on it, probably.
I find it funny that Sonic 4 is one of the highest rated XBLA games and it isn’t even out yet!
Remember, you can determine not only the completion status of a game, but also how much fun a game is to play through watching video leaks. In both cases you can do this far better than people can who have actually played it.
Judging on merits? Pshaw. Preconceived notions ahoy!
Honestly, I don’t like the old Sonic games. Now nobody jump at me for saying it but I really like the 3D games better. But since Sonic 4 has the “Homing Attack” in it, I think it’ll be all worth it. 🙂
thats insane i think this could very well be the best sonic game since sth3&k
Yeah, but “thinking” doesn’t mean you go online and review a game before it’s even out.
For good OR for bad.
eurogamer respected hahahahahaha that’s a good one. Most f\people I know view eurogamer as picky shitbags who bash on upcoming games and give ridicously low scores for really no good reason. Remember their review on ASR?
@sonicperry: Huh? I didn’t say I didn’t like Sonic 4… I’m excited for it! 0_o
@sonicperry: I meant what I said in a good way. Gosh! I’m pumped for Sonic 4!